The script for the Kitchen Witch Online Ritual November 2023.
With the energy of the festive season continuing to build, it is important that we look after ourselves, both mundanely and magically.
Protecting our personal space is essential as we are likely to be in close proximity to many people, not all of whom we will know, but also some we do know and do not like being around, because of their negativity or energy. This ritual will provide us with a charged amulet, to keep with us to preserve and sustain our energy, when surrounded by people.
You will need -
Paper, one larger sheet and one smaller.
Red pen
Stone – for example, a pebble, a hag stone, hematite, tourmaline, clear quartz, smoky quartz, carnelian, amethyst.
2 or 3 herbs of your choice – suggestions are rosemary, rose, bay, frankincense, thorns, mint, oak, black pepper corns, angelica, hawthorn, rowan berries, garlic, cinnamon, basil, cloves.
Pouch or piece of material and string, colour of your choice – for example, black, white, red, grey.
Together we will now connect to our sacred space, thereby linking all our energies both far and near; take three long deep breaths.
Standing or sitting, with both hands on your heart and say, "From my heart”, stretching both hands into the air, say "To the sky”.
Putting both hands on or facing down to the earth, as close to it as you can get, say "To the land”.
Putting both hands on your heart, say "To my heart”.
Leaving both hands on your heart, say "From my heart”, reaching out your right hand, "To all points on the compass".
Reach out your left hand and place your right hand on your heart and say, "To all directions”. Putting both hands on your heart, say "To my heart”.
We are going to create a sigil for ourselves, so taking your bigger piece of paper, write in capitals, a word, or a short sentence of your intention, for example protection or security or I am protected.
Cross out any vowels and repeated letters. Copy out the letters you have left, and then start making a shape with them, keep doing this until you are happy with the figure you have created.
Write this onto your smaller piece of paper whist repeating – I am protected.
Fold this paper, towards you, as many times as you wish – 3 is good, then place this into your pouch or onto your material, again saying - I am protected.
Take each of your herbs, hold each in your hand, say – I am protected, add each to your pouch or material, repeating – I am protected.
Tie your pouch whilst saying – I am protected.
If you have chosen to use material, fold this towards you saying each time – I am protected, until you have made a packet, then using your string, tie whilst saying – I am protected.
Carry this with you whenever you want to have extra protection around you.
Time for drinks and cake, how is everyone doing? ………. You can add to this pouch any time you feel it needs a boost. We will now disconnect from our sacred space.
Take three slow deep breaths.
Standing or sitting, with both hands on your heart and say, “From my heart, stretching both hands into the air, say “To the sky”.
Putting both hands on or facing down to the earth, as close as you can get, say “To the Land”.
Putting both hands on your heart, say “To my heart”.
Leaving both hands on your heart, say “From my heart”, reaching out your right hand, say “From all points of the compass”.
Reach out your left hand and place your right hand on your heart and say, “From all directions”. Both hands on your heart, say “To my heart, thank you”.
A link to a recording of the ritual can be found here