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Kitchen Witch Online Ritual for Self-Confidence by Rachel Patterson

To begin with we are going to Hallow the Compass. The idea of a compass uses the basis of a circle similar to casting the circle, an idea we are probably all more familiar with.  However here the circle casting and quarter calling are combined to use the idea of a compass as the protective circle, the boundary between the worlds, creating your own liminal space.

The idea is to create a space that is separate from the mundane world, an area that is designated as sacred and magical, one that you can step into to perform magic and/or connect with the Otherworld in.  It can also be used to provide a circle of protection.  Once you have set your compass area it becomes sacred and just outside of the usual restrictions of the mundane world. 


If we were doing this physically we would be walking the circle but as we are online we will bring in our visualisation skills.


Once your compass circle has been put in place you can fix it in or give it a more physical presence by calling in the elements from each of the compass directions.  What you are doing is inviting the spiritual energy from each of the compass directions to lend their magic to your ritual or working.  This is not essential to do and you can just work with the compass circle as it is, but this does lend another layer of energy to whatever you are working with.  The four elements of earth, air, fire and water are actually already with us in all that we do but inviting them in helps you become more aware of them and their characteristics and makes it easier for you to work with them.   

Let’s begin:


Starting in the North visualise a stang or staff being placed upright in the ground.

See yourself walking back to the centre of your space, the middle of the compass circle and turn to face your staff or stang.

See and feel the energy of earth – the rocks, the soil, the land.

As I stand inside the compass facing north

I invite the element of earth to come forth

Mountains, rocks and valleys deep

The stability and grounding of earth to meet


Now walk back to your stang and take it in your hand, use it to draw the circle from the north point around to the east

Place your staff upright in the ground and walk back to the centre, turn and face your stang.

See and feel the energy of air – the breeze, the winds, the freshness

As I stand inside the compass facing east

I invite the element of air to sweep

Fresh breeze and wind blow in

Bringing intellect and inspiration with


Now walk back to your stang and take it in your hand, use it to draw the circle from the east point around to the south

Place your staff upright in the ground and walk back to the centre, turn and face your stang

See and feel the energy of fire – the flames of a bonfire, the heat from the sun on your skin

As I stand inside the compass facing south

I invite the element of fire to flame

Bonfire, heat and solar rays

Bringing transformation and passion says


Now walk back to your stang and take it in your hand, use it to draw the circle from the south point around to the west

Place your stang upright in the ground and walk back to the centre, turn and face your stang

See and feel the energy of water – the rivers and streams and the waves of the ocean

As I stand inside the compass facing west

I invite the element of water to rest

Streams and rivers flowing free

Bringing the balance of emotions to me


Now walk back to your stang and take it in your hand, use it to complete the circle by drawing a line from west to the north point.


As I walk a compass circle I create around

To my sacred space I am bound

Energy created stays within

Protection now as I begin


You have now hallowed your compass.


Let’s work some magic!


You will need: 

A candle in a colour that means self-confidence to you. 

A candle holder 

Matches or a lighter 

A small bag, pouch or a square of material and a ribbon that you can make your own bag with, again in a colour that means self-confidence to you. 

You can add crystals and/or herbs to your bag, or anything else you feel drawn to such as: leaves, feathers, petals, seeds, twigs, small charms, beads or buttons. Don’t add fresh food, herbs or flowers as they will go mouldy. Go with your intuition with this one as self-confidence is a very personal feeling.  

We probably all need a boost to our self confidence from time to time.  Even those folk that appear to be self confident on the outside are often not quite as confident as they make out.


We are going to create a spell pouch that you can carry with you, pop in your handbag or put on your altar.  When you feel the need for a confidence boost you can draw upon the energy of the pouch.


Begin by lighting your candle if you are using one, this brings focus and the energy of fire to the spell working, fire brings about transformation of all kinds.


Now take your pouch and hold it in your hands, charge it with your intent.  See yourself being confident and strong and allow that energy to flow into the bag.


Next choose the items you want to add to the bag, charge each one in the same way, putting the energy of your intent into the ingredient and popping it into the bag.

 For each ingredient added say:

Energy charged with my intent

Self confidence now is meant

The elements bring their energy now

Herbals and magic show me how

Confidence and courage I shall take

With this spell pouch that I make


When you are finished hold the filled bag once more between your hands and give it a final charge of intent.

Feast and drink – what is everyone having?

Once you have hallowed the compass you have opened a sacred space that gives you access to the Otherworld, so it is only right and sensible to close it down once you have finished with it.  This is a very simple process. 


Begin by standing in the centre of the sacred space and allow the elements to release, let the lines of the sphere retract back from the centre to the outer edges.


Obviously as we are online this will be using your visualisation skills.


Facing west

As I stand inside the compass facing west

I release the element of water now it rests


Facing south

As I stand inside the compass facing south

I release the element of fire and flame


Facing east

As I stand inside the compass facing east

I release the element of air not least


Facing north

As I stand inside the compass facing north

I release the element of earth and force


As we walk widdershins see the circle dissipating, allow the energy to flow back into Mother Earth.


As I walk the compass circle I created

My circle ring is now deflated

Energy released to do some good

Protection stays with me as it should

A link to the replay of the ritual can be found here

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