About Us

Ness Armstrong
High Priestess, crystal guru & Rune Magician (studied the Foundation Course for Rune Magicians by Imelda Almqvist). Blogger. Tech Witchery.
Reiki Practitioner. Blogger.
Rachel Patterson
High Priestess & Elder.
Best selling author. Podcast Host.
Speaker. Blogger. Writer.
Reiki Master Teacher
& Certified Crystal Therapist.
Tarot Reader.
Heather Dewhurst
High Priestess, lotions, potions & magical food.
Water Priestess. Blogger.
Ogham, Bones &
Oracle card reader.
Reiki Master Teacher.
General shenanigans.

Kitchen Witch began life as an online shop for small hand crafted Witchcraft items
in the kitchen of Witch and author, Rachel Patterson. A couple of years later it morphed into an online forum.
Then in 2012 the doors for the online worldwide Kitchen Witch School were flung open and it has continued to grow and develop ever since.