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Naming Ritual for a Pet or 'Fur-Baby' by Sakura Moonstar

Kitchen Witch

I have never really pictured having kids, so to me a wiccaning or naming ceremony for a child has never really resonated. However, I think this can be equally important when welcoming a new fur baby into the home. They become an important part of our family just like any person would, and just like choosing a name for a child is important, so choosing the right name for your pet is important.

A day prior to the ritual (or earlier in the day of the ritual, as is convenient and appropriate for you) with the other members of the household, if any, consider possible names that might come to you for your new family member. You have have been planning and meeting possible new family members already, and you might have already chosen a name. If you already have chosen the name for your new pet, then you can skip this step. If you and your household are still trying to decide what the perfect name is, I suggest making a list, talking about the options, and ultimately shortening the list if possible.

Before the Ritual

Dress the altar with an animal print altar cloth or something of your choosing that you feel to be appropriate. If you have any deity you work with related to pets or other deity you wish to invite to the ritual, you may wish to have something on the altar to represent them such as flowers, a statue, a candle, a crystal, etc. Make it personal to you and your pathway.

Have something on your altar to represent the four elements. I usually have a vase of flowers for water, a clay dish with salt for the earth, an incensor for air (or a feather sometimes), and a small votive candle for fire, placed in the “appropriate” spot on the altar. This is, of course, your choice if you wish to call the Quarters into your ritual. As always, please follow your own intuition and tradition.

For the ritual, you will need:

1. A small fire-proof dish or a cauldron

2. A small candle & holder of your choosing. I recommend white, since it represents “newness” to me and we are welcoming a new member of the family. But choose a color that you associate with newness.

3. An oil to dress the candle -- something very light such sweet almond oil or perhaps a light orange blossom oil - be careful in choosing something that will not make your new family member sick! Almond oil and orange blossom oil are both great for bringing love into the home, so is perfect when welcoming a new member into the family! Save a dab of the oil to anoint a piece of paper later on.

4. A small square of paper and a pen

5. A cup of juice or wine

6. Some cake or cookies for the people and a treat for the new family member.

Before starting the ritual, cleanse the space, the altar, and all the people participating with an animal-friendly smudging (perhaps moon water in a spray bottle with some fresh rosemary). Spraying the pet may not go over well, but that’s your decision. I would probably not do that myself just to not start off on the wrong foot with the new pet. Instead, you could visualize a white light cleansing your new family member.

Begin Ritual

Approach the altar and pause for a moment of silent meditation. Ground and center.

Ring the bell three times (be careful not to hurt your pet’s ears – ring gently or use a really soft bell or skip if not part of your custom).

Statement of Intent (say): On this very special day, we come to welcome into our family our newest member and to give him/her a name that has special meaning to us and to ask for health and happiness to him/her and for our new blended family.

Cast circle: We cast our circle clear and bright, weaving threads of love and light, as above so below, out to the walls may it grow, a sacred space for all within; may only love enter in.

Call Quarters (if doing with others, this is a great place to include them in the ritual if they wish to participate)

(Facing East, holding feather): Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air, we call to you.  Join this celebration, we ask, and share your wisdom. At this time when we name our newest family member, welcome Air!

(Facing South, holding candle): Spirits of the South, Spirits of Fire, we call to you. Join this celebration, we ask, and share your inspiration. At this time when we name our newest family member, welcome Fire!

(Facing West, holding bowl of water): Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water, we call to you. Join this celebration, we ask, and share your love. At this time when we name our newest family member, welcome Water!

(Facing North, holding salt): Spirits of the North, Spirits of Earth, we call to you. Join this celebration, we ask, and share your stability. At this time when we name our newest family member, welcome Earth!

Calling Deity

Call to Matron Goddess: My matron Goddess, my companion and my guide, we call to You. Konohana Sakuyahime, a symbol of strength, beauty, and hope, we call to You. Join us in our circle and bless us at this sacred celebration, and lend us Your great strength and hope as we welcome our newest family member. Blessed be! (Light the Konohana Sakuyahime candle)

Call to the Maiden: Mother Goddess, Lady of the Waters, we ask You to join this celebration and bless us with Your presence.  Giver of Life, be welcome here.  At this time when we name our newest family member, we invite you, Mother of Gods, to join us in this celebration. (Light Goddess candle)

Magical Working

Spend some time meditating on your decision. If you’ve already come to a pretty clear idea of what name to give to your new family member, reflect on that. What does this name mean to you and/or your family? Is there significance to the name? Why does this name mean so much to you? Reflect and make sure this is the name to bestow on your new family member. Once you have settled on the name, write the name of your new family member on the piece of paper and dab with a little of the oil you used to dress the white candle.

When you are ready, hold your new family member (if possible), and if in a group, perhaps forming a circle around the new family member.

Light the white candle and say:

We bestow upon you the name of (insert name) and declare you a permanent member of our family. Deity and ancestors, we present to you our newest family member. Guide us and aid us in protecting, loving, and nurturing (insert name) and we humbly ask for your assistance in protecting him/her along with your continued guidance and protection of our home and all family members.

You can put the new family member down as you wish to roam freely.

Light the piece of paper on fire with the white candle and toss into the fire-proof dish and allow to burn out safely. Either allow the candle to burn down safely or extinguish as appropriate in your tradition.

Cakes and Ale

(Holding cup): We offer this drink to all who are here and ask a special blessing upon it as we celebrate the welcoming of our newest family member, (insert name). May it warm our hearts as much as welcoming this blessing into our lives has. Blessed Be! (Take a drink of the drink).

(Holding plate of cakes/cookies & treat for new member): We offer these cakes/treats to all who are here and ask a special blessing upon them as we celebrate our welcoming of our newest family member, (insert name). May they nourish our bodies as much as welcoming this blessing into our lives has nourished our souls. Blessed Be! (Eat a piece of the cake and offer treat to the new family member).

Dismissal of Deity

Farewell to the Maiden: Mother Goddess, Lady of the Waters, we thank You for joining us in this celebration and bestowing your blessing on (insert name), our newest family member. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be. (Extinguish Goddess candle)

Farewell to the Matron Goddess: My matron Goddess, my companion and my guide, Konohana Sakuyahime, we thank you for joining us in this special celebration and bestowing your blessing on (insert name), our newest family member. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be! (Extinguish the Konohana Sakuyahime candle)

Dismissal of the Quarters

(Facing North): Spirits of the North, Spirits of Earth, thank you for joining in this celebration to welcome into our family (insert name), and for bringing your blessing to this important moment. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

(Facing West): Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water, thank you for joining in this celebration to welcome into our family (insert name), and for bringing your blessing to this important moment. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

(Facing South): Spirits of the South, Spirits of Fire, thank you for joining in this celebration to welcome into our family (insert name), and for bringing your blessing to this important moment. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

(Facing East): Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air, thank you for joining in this celebration to welcome into our family (insert name), and for bringing your blessing to this important moment. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

Closing the Circle

We close this circle we no longer need; its energy here we now release. May this space remain free of any negativity.

Extinguish any other candles that may be burning and this concludes the ritual.

Image from open Kitchen Witch ritual

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