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Kitchen Witch Beltane Ritual 2022 by Sue Perryman

Kitchen Witch

You will need:


Pen or pencil

Cauldron or a fireproof dish/ bowl

Candle (any colour)

Matches or lighter

I cast this circle thrice about

To cleanse this space and keep harm out

Goddess bless this work we do

Into our circle we invoke you

As I will our circle cast

Between the worlds we safely pass

Guardian of the East, element of Air

The hawthorn blossoms once more

And the sound of bird song fills the air

We thank you for your gifts of inspiration and wisdom

And ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you

Guardian of the South, element of Fire

The sacred union brings fertility to the land

Beltane fires and the spark of life

We thank you for your gifts of passion and transformation

And ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you.

Guardian of the West, element of Water

Spring showers, that nourish the Earth

Sacred wells and Springs

We thank you for your gifts of love and compassion

And ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you

Guardian of the North, element of Earth

The land is fertile once more, growth is all around us

All of nature is bursting with potent fertility

We thank you for your gifts of fruitfulness and manifestation

And ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you

Mother Earth

You have reached fullness

Your union with the Horned God

Brings forth the spark of all life

The catalyst for growth and fertility.

All of nature is bursting with abundance

And beautiful flowers decorate the land

We stand before you to celebrate the abundance of the fertile earth

And thank you for bringing fertility and renewal to the land

We welcome you

Horned God, Lord of the Wildwood

The Green man and Jack in the Green

You are the potent life force

That brings fruitfulness to the land

You are the hunter and the prey

The stag in rut

Untameable and instinctive

We stand before you to celebrate the potency and passion of your union

And thank you for bringing fertility and renewal to the land

We welcome you.

Light your candle if you haven’t done so already

Beltane heralds the coming of summer and is a festival of fertility, growth, manifestation and abundance. The seeds are sown, the plants and crops are all growing, and the Earth is fertile once more. This is the festival where we celebrate fertility, not just within the Earth but within the union between the God and the Goddess that brings life to all of nature. It’s the season to celebrate love, happiness, union and life itself. Our ancestors would have transferred their livestock from the winter shelter to the fields and pastures, at this time the animals would have been driven between the Beltane bonfires to cleanse and purge them from evil spirits and to bring fertility. This is the time to put all those plans you made during the winter into action if you haven’t done so already. Get outside as much as possible and spend time in nature feeling the energy of growth and abundance.

This is also the perfect time of year to manifest whatever you need into your life, and one of the ways of doing this is with sigils. There are a few variations of creating sigils, but this is the way we do them at Kitchen Witch. Take a few minutes to think about something you really need or want to attract into your life................. When you are ready write down your goal on your paper in one short sentence. Be specific and keep your words positive.........

Please let us know when you are ready.

Next you need to strike out all the vowels from your sentence...... then you remove any duplicate letters........ Again, please let us know when you are ready.

Once you have done that you make up a design or image using the left-over letters. Be guided by your intuition and create an image that is pleasing. Don’t stress over it, let your mind wander and your pen doodle. The finished design will be your very own sigil.

When you are ready you need to activate the magic. The best way to do this is to burn the paper with the sigil drawn on it, but if you prefer you can bury it or drop it into running water if the paper is biodegradable. Fold your paper in half towards you to bring your goal to you. Carefully light the corner of your paper with your candle and drop it into your cauldron or fireproof bowl.


Guardian of the North, element of earth

We thank you for watching over us during our ritual

We bid you farewell

Guardian of the West, element of water

We thank you for watching over us during our ritual

We bid you farewell

Guardian of the South, element of fire

We thank you for watching over us during our ritual

We bid you farewell

Guardian of the East, element of air

We thank you for watching over us during our ritual

We bid you farewell

Horned God, Lord of the Wildwood

We thank you for bringing the potent spark of life back to the land

And for your presence during our ritual

We bid you farewell

Mother Earth

We thank you for bringing growth and renewal to the land

And for your presence during our ritual

We bid you farewell

‘The circle is open but unbroken’

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