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Candle Spell for Ancestral Healing by Debby Wale

Kitchen Witch


Cleansing method – smudge, sound, etc

Candles: 2 longer spell in white. one each of smaller spell candles in blue, pink, lavender,

red, yellow for dripping wax on the main white candles.

Essential oils: star anise, geranium

Herbs for offering: mugwort, rosemary and lavender, rowan berries


Orthocerus slab with pentagram as a base.

Orthocerus sphere to represent Ancestors

Emerald tumble to represent maternal line

Lithium quartz to represent paternal line

Essential oils: Star anise, Geranium, Bergamot

Wand: Twisty hazel wand, not the copper wand which has a male and female quartz at

each end. Adding masculine /feminine polarities might have confused things with the

ancestral lines.

Cleanse the Space

I used smudge and a crystal singing bowl.

Cast the circle

Maiden cast this circle white

Free from shadow, pure and light.

Mother cast this circle red

Cast any negativity from our head.

Crone cast this circle black

Grant us the knowledge that we lack.

This circle is now cast unbroken.

Call the quarters

I call to the East and the Element of Air, you who are mist and cloud, you who are fresh

breeze and wild hurricane, Spirit of the Hawk, Spirit of the Sylph, hear me, bring into

these rites’ purification and clarity, sweep through and remove stagnation. Blessings

and welcome!

I call to the South and the Element of Fire, you who are the crackle of bonfires, you

who are the golden Sun and glowing lava, Spirit of the Phoenix, Spirit of the Flame

Dancers, hear me, bring into these rites your spirit of creativity and passion. Blessings

and welcome!

I call to the West and the Element of Water, you who are the Undines of the rivers,

and the Sirens of the crashing ocean waves, you who are the Naiads of the Grottos,

come to me. Spirit of the Shark, hear me, bring to these rites your deepest intuition

and truest emotions, teach me to be flexible, to adapt and flow, like your waters.

Blessings and welcome!

I call to the North and the Element of Earth, you who are bone and crystal, you who

are tree and root and branch, Spirit of the Wolf, Spirit of the Gnome, I call upon you.

Bring to these rites your spirit of prosperity, of stability and manifestation. Blessings

and welcome!

Invocation to Deity: at this point it is traditional to invoke deity – for this rite, this

spell, I ask for my most powerful and appropriate Guides to be with me and I ask for an

Angel of Protection to guard this circle.


I ask for ancestral healing, healing for my ancestors of blood and bone who give their

permission to receive it.

May they know and understand my good intention.

Dripping the wax over each candle in turn:

Maternal line

With the colour Blue, I ask for healing for my maternal line

With the colour Pink, I ask for harmony and love for my maternal line

With the colour Lavender I ask for calm for my maternal line

With the colour Red I ask for courage for my maternal line

With the colour Yellow I ask for joy and happiness for my maternal line

Paternal line

With the colour Blue, I ask for healing for my paternal line

With the colour Pink, I ask for harmony and love for my paternal line

With the colour Lavender I ask for calm for my paternal line

With the colour Red I ask for courage for my paternal line

With the colour Yellow I ask for joy and happiness for my paternal line

Anointing the candles with essential oils:

Star anise bringing purification and protection

Geranium bringing healing and strength

Bergamot bringing uplifting and joyful energies

As it is for healing, applying the oil bottom to top I send healing outwards and upwards

to my Ancestors in spirit.

Herbal offering sprinkled around the candles, saying:

With Mugwort brings Strength, healing and cleansing

With Rosemary brings Protection, purification, healing

With Lavender brings Happiness, peace, love, strength

Seven rowan berries from a tree in my road bringing love and protection

Thank Guides and the Angel of Protection

Thank the quarters

Guardians to the Element of Earth, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you

blessings and farewell.

Guardians to the Element of Water, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid

you blessings and farewell.

Guardians to the Element of Fire, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you

blessings and farewell.

Guardians to the Element of Air, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you

blessings and farewell.

Uncast the circle - This circle is open but never broken.


I had considered sending Reiki, rather than asking for healing.

Christopher Penczak says in Magick of Reiki: Focused Energy for Healing, Ritual, &

Spiritual Development:

In my Reiki Two and Reiki Teacher level classes, we learned all sorts of ways to use

Reiki that seemed very ritualistic and magickal to me, including prayer, song,

affirmations, protection, blessings, and crystals. Reiki training didn’t seem that

different from my witchcraft training; it was simply a different method of delivery.

After dripping wax on the candles and placing them on the Orthocerus pentagram slab,

I almost sent Reiki. I paused and asked my Guides if it would be appropriate. No, as it’s

a prescriptive methodology, working in a definite way, rather than asking the Universe,

who will decide what is best.

Dripping the wax - the energy and intention drips in with the wax.

The spell took place on my desk. After uncasting the circle, I carried the slab with the

candles and crystals down to the hearth in the sitting room, so I could keep an eye on

the candles.

I placed some chocolate on the slab and this went out in the garden as an offering next

morning with the herbs.

Night before the spell - Candles charging on a labradorite slab,

previously charged with a full moon.

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