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Wild Garlic by Heather

April is the start of Wild Garlic (Ransoms) season


The National Trust website says that wild garlic grows across the UK from late winter into Spring. The leaves usually start popping up around March time, with the flowers emerging from April to June.


Wild garlic differs from the bulbs that we are used to seeing in that it consists of flat leaves and white flowers, both of which can be picked and eaten, having a much milder taste than garlic bulbs.

It is very important when picking it to ensure it’s actually garlic, and not the similar looking but poisonous Lily Of The Valley or Lords and Lady's (Arum maculatum). The main difference is the smell, with wild garlic having that distinctive odour. Another sign to look for is that wild garlic leaves also grow from the plant base, while Lily Of The Valley will typically have leaves on its stem, and Arum has crinkly leaves. However, if you are in any doubt about whether or not it’s garlic, do not pick and eat it.

Wild garlic flourishes in woodlands, damp ground is especially favourable to the flowers.


Magical Properties

Banishing, protection, hex/curse breaking, health, healing, confidence, power, removing negative energy, strength, stops gossip.


Wild Garlic Hummus Recipe

200g/7 oz can chickpeas or 12 oz sprouted chickpeas

2 handfuls of sunflower seeds that have been soaked overnight

½ tsp of ground chilli

½ tsp of ground cumin

shredded Wild Garlic (adjust amount to your own taste preference)

2-3 tbsp tahini

olive oil

lemon juice

salt and pepper



Process the Wild Garlic leaves in a food processor.

Then add the chickpeas, soaked sunflower seeds along with the chilli, cumin, tahini and process until smooth.

Finally add in the lemon juice and olive oil to the consistency you like, along with some salt and pepper.


Image from Unsplash

Sources and further reading –

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