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The Light Returns by Heather

Kitchen Witch

The light returning…it is, honest!

Welcome to January, some say the longest, drabbest month of the year! Yule, Christmas and New Year festivities are over, the lights and decorations taken down (in our house on Boxing Day, but they were up from the end of November), pay day seems weeks away, the weather can be grey and damp, as well as cold. All in all, a good month to hibernate; plan for future activities, maybe clean out a cupboard, or two. Sorting out a couple of places meant I found some forgotten items, including a hot glue gun - it is a bit worrying, letting me loose with something hot!

But those imperceptible minutes of light are being added to each day, so why not start to brighten our homes in preparation for Imbolc, just like we do for Yule. Look to see what you have hidden in those cupboards – coloured card/paper, outgrown clothes or material in bright patterns and colours, and for those regular crafters, any projects that could be upcycled into a new variation?

Cut out flower shapes and stick them together to make designs on card, or a wreath (just cut out a circle using plates as templates). Make bunting with card or material.

Here is where I hold my hands up and say I am not the best at crafts, but I like making things, even if they are wonky! I share a picture of the things I have put together so far, but if like me you are dabbler rather than an adept, my suggestion is look on YouTube for inspiration, there are many lovely people who share their expertise.

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