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Starting a New Job Ritual by Sakura Moonstar

A common event that happens in our life is starting a new job. Here in Japan, where I live, a first job right after university is a big deal. The fiscal and academic year both start April 1st, so new jobs usually also start April 1st. University students spend many months studying and preparing, because traditional Japanese companies have “entrance exams” to weed out applicants. So a first job is a very significant for both the new employee and the family. Needless to say, this can carry significant meaning to an individual, and I thought writing a ritual might be a fantastic way to bring in great energy and success, whether it’s someone’s first job, a new career, or just a simple change in position or company.

In preparation for the ritual, prepare your altar with an appropriate altar cloth that you associate with success, positivity, happiness, and/or excitement. I might go with green and/or yellow, or even a simple white altar cloth. Even gold would be lovely!

You will need:

1. A candle in a color you associate with success/luck/happiness – again gold, green, or yellow, or white would be great

2. Oil to dress the candle – basil, lemon, orange would all be great. Perhaps a touch of copal would be nice, too. Cinnamon is always nice, and a bit of pine or cedar to dispel negativity while the other ingredients attract luck and happiness would be good. Of course, as always, go with your intuition.

3. Herbs to place around the candle: basil, lemon peel, orange peel, beans/lentils, coffee, copal resin. As above, a bit of pine or cedar, or even rosemary, would be nice to dispel negativity from the new position while the rest of the ingredients attract luck and happiness. Go with your intuition, however. Save some for burning on a charcoal disc.

4. Crystals you associate with luck, success, and happiness, and perhaps some to dispel negativity/worry. I might suggest green aventurine, citrine, quartz, emerald, moss agate, tiger’s eye, and garnet are all great. To dispel negativity, smoky quartz or onyx. Again, trust your intuition.

5. Pieces of paper and a pen

6. Fire-proof dish/cauldron

7. Ground herbs from #3 above for burning in incensor.

Prior to beginning, smudge yourself and your space, including the altar and items you will use, such as the paper, candle, dish, crystals, etc. If your tradition includes a ritual bath, now would be a good time to do that.

Begin Ritual

Approach the altar and pause for a moment of silent meditation. Ground and center.

Ring the bell three times. Light charcoal and begin to burn incense you’ve ground.

Statement of Intent: On this day, I come to ask for good success, luck, and happiness as I embark on a new job/career.

Cast circle: I cast my circle clear and bright, weaving threads of love and light, as above so below, out to the walls may it grow, a sacred space for all within; may only love enter in.

Call Quarters

(Facing East, holding feather): Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air, I call to you. Join this ritual, I ask, and share your wisdom. At this time when I begin a new career, I ask for you to guide me with your knowledge. Welcome Air!

(Facing South, holding candle): Spirits of the South, Spirits of Fire, I call to you. Join this ritual, I ask, and share your inspiration. At this time when I begin a new career, may your inspiration fill me and help me become the best that I can be in this new journey. Welcome Fire!

(Facing West, holding bowl of water): Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water, I call to you. Join this ritual, I ask, and share your emotion. At this time when I begin a new career, may your emotion fill me with excitement and anticipation for what is to come. Welcome Water!

(Facing North, holding salt): Spirits of the North, Spirits of Earth, I call to you. Join this ritual, I ask, and share your stability. At this time when I begin a new career, keep me grounded as I learn and grow in this new position. Welcome Earth!

Calling Deity

Call to Matron Goddess: My matron Goddess, my companion and my guide, I call to You. Konohana Sakuyahime, a symbol of strength, beauty and hope, I call to You. Join me in my circle and bless me as I look forward to embarking on this new career. Please lend me your great strength and hope as my new journey beings. Hail and welcome! (Light Konohana Sakuyahime candle)

Call to Patron God: Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, my patron God, my companion and my guide, I call to You. You are a symbol of the strength and power of the Moon. Please join me in my circle and bless me as I look forward to embarking on this new career. Please lend me your great moon power as I begin this new career. Hail and welcome! (Light Tsukuyomi no Mikoto candle)

Magical Working

Spend some time meditating on your new career. What do you want to accomplish? What goals do you have for this new journey? As you reflect, write them down, each one by one on a small piece of paper.

When ready, take each herb and charge it with your intent. Place it around the candle. Then do the same with each crystal.

Take the oil blend you’ve made and dress your candle with it and charge the candle with your intent as you did with the herbs and crystals.

Take a bit of the oil and dab on each of the pieces of paper and charge them with your intent.

Light the candle, and again, take a bit of time to reflect on your intention and what you want to accomplish in this new career/job.

When ready, take each piece of paper and light it with the candle and say, “With joy and trust, I place this request in the hands of my Matron and Patron.”

Continue to reflect on your goals and desires for this new career and feel the power of the spell working. Allow the candle to burn down safely or extinguish.

Cakes and Ale

(Holding cup): Bless this wine I am about to drink. As excitement and anticipation fill me in starting this new career, may the drink warm my heart and body, as well. Blessed Be! (Take a drink of the wine).

(Holding plate of cakes): Bless these cakes I am about to eat. As a new career often nourishes the soul, may these cakes nourish me as well. Blessed Be! (Eat a piece of the cake)

Dismissal of Deity

Farewell to the Patron God: Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, my patron and companion, I thank You for joining me in this ritual and bestowing your moon power on my new career. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be. (Extinguish Tsukuyomi no Mikoto candle)

Farewell to the Matron Goddess: My matron Goddess, my companion and my guide, Konohana Sakuyahime, I thank you for joining me in this special ritual and lending me your strength as I begin this new journey. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be! (Extinguish the Konohana Sakuyahime candle)

Dismissal of the Quarters

(Facing North): Spirits of the North, Spirits of Earth, I thank you for joining me in this ritual and for lending your stability as I embark on this new career. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

(Facing West): Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water, thank you for joining me in this ritual and for sharing your emotion to build my excitement as I start this new career. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

(Facing South): Spirits of the South, Spirits of Fire, thank you for joining me in this ritual and for sharing your inspiration to help me become the best that I can be in this new journey. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

(Facing East): Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air, thank you for joining this ritual and imparting your wisdom at this time when I begin a new career. Stay if you will or go if you must. May peace be between us and blessed be!

Close the Circle

I close this circle I no longer need; its energy here I now release. May this space remain free of any negativity.

Extinguish any other candles that may be burning and this concludes the ritual.

Image by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

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