This April the Kitchen Witch blogs are focused on self care and nurturing, so I thought I would share with you my bath bag recipe that I make when I need to relax.
I love using bath bags and make up a few at a time so I always have one ready when I need it. I use a base of oats, which soothe and moisturise dry skin, and either epsom or dead sea salts which relax tight muscles. I have added dried lavender and rose petals, but use any relaxing herbs you have to hand. If you use fresh herbs you will need to use them the day they are picked so your bath bag doesn’t go mouldy.
If you want to enhance the relaxing effects you can pop candles and crystals around your bathroom and make yourself a cup of herbal tea to sip while you are in the bath.
I haven’t added amounts as it depends on the size of the bag. For the one in the photo I used a small handful of oats and salt and a tablespoon of each herb..
You will need:
A circle of muslin, (I sometimes draw around a tea plate) or a ready made muslin pouch if you have them.
Epsom or dead sea salts
Dried or fresh herbs
A few drops of an essential oil of your choice (only if you want)
String and/or ribbon
Candles, crystals and a cup of herbal tea if you are using them.
Make sure you have some quiet time to yourself
Put the oats and salts into the centre of the muslin and pop the herbs on top. Add about 4 drops of essential oil if you are using it. Gather the sides of the material up and tie the string tightly around it. You can always put a pretty ribbon on top as I have in the photo.
Make yourself a relaxing cup of herbal tea, chamomile and lavender is my favourite.
Most recipes say to hang the bag under the tap so the water runs through it, but I usually just pop it straight into the bath as the water runs.
Dim the lights and light the candles.
Immerse yourself in the calming herbal bath, squeeze the bag a few times. Sip your herbal tea and relax.
