Waxing Crescent Moon March 23rd 2023
The Waxing Crescent Moon fall on March 23rd and is in the sign of Aries
24th: Taurus
26th: Gemini
28th: Cancer
29th: First Quarter in Cancer
30th: Waxing gibbous in Cancer
31st: Leo
Waxing Crescent Moon Magic
Increasing, knowledge, prosperity, abundance, attraction, creativity, inspiration, motivation, friendship, healing, luck, love, power, business, career, fertility, communication, legal matters. Exploring, courage, flourishing, moving forwards and growth. Manifesting, visualising, intentions, wishes, faith and determination. Start work on projects and add to your intentions made on the new moon. Bring in new things, new people and add to your life. The energy is beginning to rise. This is the phase for building...
How do you work magic for the Waxing Crescent Moon?
Source - Beneath the Moon by Rachel Patterson
image - Unsplash