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April Monthly Magic by Rachel Patterson

Taken from the Kitchen Witch Newsletter April 2023

April can be a bit hit and miss with the weather but it is (usually and hopefully) most definitely spring.  Plants are starting to really come alive, the seeds planted at the spring equinox are making good headway and the weather is (she says again hopefully) a bit warmer.

We are working off the back of the spring equinox and heading towards Beltane, everything is alive and buzzing with energy.

I think the equinox always brings about changes of one kind or another (in my experience anyway), it is a time to clear out the old and that which has not worked and to bring in new projects, new ventures and new ways of thinking, make changes that bring in the positive.  It is so easy to get caught in a cycle of destructive or unhealthy action, now is the time to break free (yep I am singing now…).   Sometimes we end up taking on too much and finding our entire life is out of balance and it has a ripple effect, like dropping a pebble into a still pool, the ripples from one tiny stone can have a huge effect on everything else.  The equinox gives us an opportunity to re-balance and use all the energy that Beltane brings with it to put those changes into action.

Take a step back…take a really good look at your life and see where you can make changes to bring it back into alignment, to give a good balance between work, friends, family, play and ‘you’ time.  Even little changes are a start and can lead onto bigger ones.


April Magical Energy

Put energy into creating and producing; return balance to all areas of your life.  Change, transformation, self-confidence, self-reliance, take advantage of opportunities, build on projects that are already underway. Spring clean not just your home, but your spiritual and emotional areas as well.  Set new plans, work on new projects and put things into motion to create a better life. Work on temper and emotional flare ups and selfishness.

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