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Kitchen Witch

Yule Ritual by Heather

What you will need:

5 candles and lighter/matches – colours and sizes of your choice, 1 will represent the Sun whilst the others are to symbolise the four directions (north, east, south and west).

Something to eat and drink. Optional additions to choose from –

  • Incense of your choice.

  • Something that represents the Sun and the four directions to you, to place beside each candle.

  • Herbs corresponding to the Sun and the four directions, again to place beside each candle – some examples are –

Sun – bay, buttercup, carnation, chamomile, cinnamon, eucalyptus, frankincense, hazel, juniper, marigold, mistletoe, St John’s wort, sunflower.

North – beech, grass, honeysuckle, mugwort, patchouli, plantain, primrose, tulip, yew.

East – bergamot, birch, caraway, clover, dandelion, fenugreek, lavender, marjoram, meadowsweet, mint, parsley, pine, sage, star anise.

South – angelica, basil, black pepper, cinnamon, clove, copal, coriander, cumin, dill, dragons blood, fennel, garlic, ginger, holly, horseradish, nettle, nutmeg, mustard, rosemary, tobacco, turmeric, walnut, witch hazel.

West – African violet, camellia, cardamom, catnip, chamomile, crocus, cyclamen, daisy, elder, feverfew, foxglove, geranium, heather, ivy, jasmine, lemon balm, myrrh, oak, poppy, rose, sandalwood, self-heal, sea weed, thyme, willow, yarrow.

Pouch or jar if you have decided to have items/herbs for your ritual.

Circle casting

Maiden cast your circle white, weave a web of glowing light,

Mother cast your circle red, weave the strands of glowing threads,

Old Crone, cast your circle black, weave the knowledge that we lack.

So mote it be!

Quarter calls

Guardians of the North, Element of Earth, realm of the Gnomes and Dryads, we ask for your protection and guidance in this circle. Bring us grounding and the wisdom of the Ancestors.

Hail and welcome!

Guardians of the East, Element of Air, realm of the Sylphs, we ask for your protection and guidance in this circle. Bring us wisdom and inspiration.

Hail and welcome!

Guardians of the South, Element of Fire, realm of the Salamanders, we ask for your protection and guidance in this circle. Bring us energy, passion and healing.

Hail and welcome!

Guardians of the West, Element of Water, realm of the Undines, we ask for your protection and guidance in this circle. Bring us safety with emotions, feelings and expression.

Hail and welcome!

Winter is a time of darkness, but it doesn’t last forever. It is only a stop on the Wheel, the Wheel is turning, to bring us back to Spring. This is the lesson the Earth teaches us, that no matter how dark it gets, the light always returns.

The Holly King and Oak King are personifications of the winter and summer in various folklore and mythological traditions. The two kings engage in endless "battle" reflecting the seasonal cycles of the year: not only solar light and dark, but also crop renewal and growth. The Holly King rules over the dark part of the year from Midsummer to Yule, he is God of the Waning Year. At Yule he surrenders his life to the young light Oak King, God of the Waxing Year and his twin, who rules over the light part of the year from Yule to Midsummer. Both rule for half of the year, both fight for the favour and love of the Goddess and both surrender their life force for the well-being of the land. In truth, they are the two halves of the one.

If you are using incense light it now.

Light the central Sun candle, visualise the energy from the Sun building, radiating out to embrace you within your circle. When the energy feels ready light each of the direction candles, visualising the Sun’s vitality flowing to fill all the Earth.

If you have items/herbs you can place these by each candle as you light it.

'We give thanks to the Holly King for His rule over the last six months, and as He steps back we welcome the Oak King, His rebirth; giver of life the blessed Sun, reborn to the Mother as he retakes His throne at this Solstice!

May the light of our Yule candles glow in our hearts, minds and bodies throughout the coming year.

Blessings of the Season on us all.

Blessed Be!'

Once our ritual is completed, you can collect items/herbs (if you have used them), placing them in your pouch or jar, keep this somewhere until Summer Solstice, to remind you of the revitalising energy from the Oak King and the Sun.

Time for cake and drink

(and shenanigans)

Releasing the quarters

Guardians of the West, ruler of water and emotion, we thank you for your presence with us today. Stay if you will, go if you must.

Hail and farewell!

Guardians of the South, ruler of fire and passion, we thank you for your presence with us today. Stay if you will, go if you must.

Hail and farewell!

Guardians of the East, ruler of air and thought, we thank you for your presence with us today. Stay if you will, go if you must.

Hail and farewell!

Guardians of the North, ruler of earth and body, we thank you for your presence with us today. Stay if you will, go if you must.

Hail and farewell!

Circle uncasting

Maiden uncast your circle white, release your web of glowing light

Mother uncast your circle red, release the strands of glowing threads

Old Crone, uncast your circle black, we thank you for the knowledge that we lacked

This circle is open but never broken

So mote it be!

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