Taken from February 2023 Newsletter
-2 degrees centigrade! Oh, its gone very cold - but the cold days are bringing blue skies and it makes a nice change from the grey, rainy days of late. There is something magical about frosty mornings - the sunshine making the frost sparkle - the stillness and the crunch underfoot of ice covered puddles. The 'caw' of the crows as they forage for food in the cold frozen earth. It looks bleak and wintry today - grass is flattened, dead brown plants stand at an angle in the hedgerows and along the fields and although there are signs that spring is on it's way, today it doesn't seem like it. I've seen early crocus that have been bitten by the frost and grape hyacinth leaves have also been spotted. We await the appearance of snowdrops - the first positive signs that new beginnings are on their way! I'm already starting to get notions of a 'spring clear out' - although I think that can wait just a little while yet!