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The Anti-Consumerist Druid by Katrina Townsend, book review by Helen Brambley, Hedgerow Witch

I read this book in the run up to the very consumerist driven, secular celebration of Christmas. I found reading it extremely refreshing and at the same time eye-opening.

The complete honesty of the author as she details her rise from, as she terms it, a 'rock bottom' shopping addiction, is a story that many readers, including myself, would find resonates with aspects of their own lives in our all too consumerist society. Despite such a difficult subject, she presents her challenges with a sense of humour, in an easy to read style. The book is split into 2 sections, the first of which details the background addiction to shopping. This is followed in section 2 with the way Druidry and a deeper connection with nature supported her in moving towards a more eco-friendly way of life.

The tips to help a reader are from a person who has been there and experienced the ups and downs of battling an addiction, rather than from someone promoting more frugal living from a theoretical standpoint, which in my humble opinion gives this book so much more impact. In integrating her growing love of nature and 'following a trail of breadcrumbs' down the path of Druidry, the author shows how a connection to the land benefits all aspects of life and gives a basis for making changes to attitude and lifestyle.

There are detailed references throughout the book and a further reading list for those who want to explore areas mentioned in more depth. I particularly love the part when realisation dawns for her that many of her experiences during holidays were pointing her in the direction of deity, and her addiction prevented her from noticing. As she states: 'when you pull back from technology and the hustle and bustle of the everyday world, and allow yourself to make a daily connection with nature, you achieve a peace and contentment that cannot be gained in any other way.'

A fabulous book highlighting environmental issues in a way that promotes change without being judgmental or looking down its nose at you, and showing how it can weave into a pagan way of life, no matter which path you are walking. 5/5

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