The festival of Imbolc celebrates the reawakening of the earth. I know some people find it hard to celebrate light and life when we are in the coldest part of the year and the ground is frozen and bare. But deep within the earth the seeds are waiting to germinate, and the bulbs are pushing their way up through the frozen ground. Ewe's are giving birth bringing new life into the world. Out of the darkness comes the spark of light, winter does not last forever. I see Imbolc as the promise of new life and warmth to come.
Imbolc is also known as Candlemas or Brigid’s day and it is one of the Celtic fire festivals that celebrates the promise of Spring.
At Imbolc the Goddess returns as maiden and the god who was born at Yule is now a young man.
Imbolc is dedicated to the Celtic goddess Brigid, goddess of healing, smith craft and poetry. Her attributes are intuition, inspiration, divination and keeper of the sacred flame.
Snowdrops and crocuses are rearing their heads above the frozen ground and below, in the dark earth other plants are stirring.
Imbolc is the time of year for purification, re-birth and new beginnings.
Candles are lit at this time to represent the return of the light as the Sun's energy increases.
Decorate your altar with Imbolc symbols: Brigid's cross, candles, snowdrops or other spring flowers, potted bulbs, fire symbols, a poem that you've wrote yourself or something you have created, a Brigid corn doll. Colours for Imbolc are traditionally white for snow, red for the Sun and green for new life.
This is a good time of year to Spring clean your home. Clear out the old to make way for the new, recycle or donate to charity all that stuff that's no longer useful. Once your home is clean and clear smudge it with cleansing herbs to banish any stagnation or negativity and allow inspiration and creativity to flow again.
For the three wishes spell place a white or red candle on your altar and three smaller white candles or tea lights in front of it. Other things you will need are a lighter or matches, a besom if you have one and something to eat and drink (dairy food is traditional but anything you enjoy is good)
Imbolc is associated with purification and cleansing so if you can it's a good idea to have a bath or shower before your ritual using cleansing herbs or salt. If you have one, you can cast your circle using a besom to symbolically sweep around your work area.
If you usually cast a circle, do so now in your preferred way. If you don't normally cast a circle, purify the area first by smudging or asperging. Below is my way of casting a circle which you are welcome to use.
Walk deosil (clockwise) around your circle saying:
'I cast this circle thrice about
to cleanse this space and keep harm out
Goddess bless this work I do
into my circle I invoke you
As I will my circle cast
between the worlds I safely pass'
*Turn to the East*
' Spirits of the East, element of air
you bring new beginnings and the breath of life
You are Spring, knowledge, intellect and our thoughts
I ask you to watch over me, guard, guide and protect me, during my ritual
Hail and Welcome.'
*Turn to the South*
' Spirits of the South, element of fire
you bring warming hearth fires and purification
you are Summer, passion, creativity and energy
I ask you to watch over me, guard, guide and protect me, during my ritual
Hail and Welcome.'
*Turn to the West*
' Spirits of the West, element of water
you bring emotions and the ebb and flow of the tides
you are Autumn, healing, love and intuition
I ask you to watch over me, guard, guide and protect me, during my ritual
Hail and Welcome'
*Turn to the North*
'Spirits of the North, element of earth
you bring fertile soil and growth
you are winter, stability, strength and fertility
I ask you to watch over me, guard, guide and protect me, during my ritual
Hail and Welcome'
*Stand in the centre facing your altar*
'Brigid of the healing waters and the sacred flame
Goddess of healing, smith craft and poetry
I call on you to join me at this, your special time of the year
and ask you to lend me your gifts of inspiration and creativity
and to watch over and bless me during my ritual
Hail and Welcome.'
Light your main candle and dedicate it to Brigid in your own words, then take a few moments to think about what wishes you would like to make. Don't be selfish or manipulative when making your wishes.
When you are ready light your first smaller candle from the main candle and make your first wish for the good of others, whether animals, the planet, humanity or something else.
Light your second candle from the main candle and make you second with for someone your close to, a partner, child, friend or pet.
Light your third candle from the main candle and make a wish for yourself. It is done. Leave the candles to burn down if it is safe to do so, if not snuff them out and light them each day whenever you have time, remembering your wishes as you light them. Don't leave lit candles unattended.
Have something to eat and drink, saving a portion of each as an offering to Brigid.
*Turn to the North*
' Spirits of the North, thank you for watching over me, for guarding, guiding and protecting me. Hail and Farewell'
*Turn to the West*
'Spirits of the West. thank you for watching over me, for guarding, guiding and protecting me. Hail and farewell'
*Turn to the South*
'Spirits of the South, thank you for watching over me, for guarding, guiding and protecting me. Hail and farewell'
*Turn to the East*
'Spirits of the East, thank you for watching over me, for guarding, guiding and protecting me. Hail and Farewell'
*Stand in the centre facing your altar*
' Brigid, thank you for joining me at our ritual, for lending me your gifts of inspiration and your blessings.
Hail and Farewell'
*Walk widdershins around the circle saying*
' The circle is open but never broken'
Blessed Be
Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash