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Solitary ritual for the Summer Solstice by Sue Perryman

Kitchen Witch

This ritual involves creating a Sun intention amulet for the year ahead that is charged with the energy of the Solstice and has captured the energy and vitality of the Sun. Your amulet can then be held and meditated with whenever you feel like you need to focus on your intentions or connect with the energy of the Sun.

Items needed:

Flower petals Red, orange or yellow crystal red, gold, yellow or orange candle Incense

This ritual is best held outside if possible. But if not then indoors is fine too, particularly if you can be near a window where you can see the Sun.

Decorate your altar with flowers and produce of the season and a gold, red, orange or yellow candle in the centre. Light the candle and incense.

Cast a circle sprinkling flower petals and either say your usual words or the words below:

'I cast this circle round about, to cleanse this space and keep harm out Goddess bless this work I do, into my heart I invoke you As I will this circle cast between the worlds I safely pass.'

Turn to face the East and say:

' Spirits of the East, element of air you bring the sun rise and gentle breezes knowledge and new beginnings I ask you to watch over me during my ritual Hail and Welcome.'

Turn to the South and say:

'Spirits of the South, element of fire you bring leaping flames and the heat of the mid-day Sun passion and creativity I ask you to watch over me during my ritual Hail and Welcome.'

Turn to the West and say:

'Spirits of the West, element of water you bring cleansing rains and the ebb and flow of the tides emotions and intuition I ask you to watch over me during my ritual Hail and welcome.'

Turn to the North and say:

Spirits of the North, element of earth you bring fertile soil and abundant crops strength and stability I ask you to watch over me during my ritual Hail and welcome.'

Face your altar and say:

'I call to Gaia, Mother Earth primal source of all creation I ask for your blessings and strength and invite you to join me in my solstice celebration Hail and Welcome.'

'I call to the Horned God Lord of the Sun and wild creatures I ask for your blessings and strength and invite you to join me in my solstice celebration Hail and Welcome.'

Make yourself comfortable and pick up your crystal, hold it between both hands. Close your eyes and concentrate on the crystal, feel its golden energy tingling in your palms and your head visualise it flowing up your arms. It reaches your chest and flows up into your head.

Sense the soothing energy swirling around your head, relaxing your mind and visualise its bright golden colour surrounding you. The energy flows back down to your chest, your heart bathed in its bright glow, you feel calm and relaxed.

The energy travels down to your stomach, pelvis and down through your legs. Feel the warmth radiating within you as the energy of the crystal enters your feet and the tips of your toes. Bathe in the crystals golden energy and focus on the feelings that the crystal evokes and take notice of any thoughts or messages that come to mind........

Now hold the crystal over your heart and think about what you want to bring in for the rest of the year, what intentions do you want to set? When you have your intentions in mind repeat them to yourself several times to build up energy and when you are ready send this energy down your arms and into the crystal.

When you are ready place the crystal back on your altar.

Face the North and say:

'Spirits of the North, element of earth Thank you for lending me your energy and watching over me during my ritual stay if you will, leave if you must Hail and farewell.'

Face the West and say:

'Spirits of the West, element of water Thank you for lending me your energy and watching over me during my ritual stay if you will, leave if you must Hail and farewell.'

Face the South and say:

'Spirits of the South, element of fire Thank you for lending me your energy and watching over me during my ritual stay if you will, leave if you must Hail and farewell.'

Face the East and say:

'Spirits of the East, element of air Thank you for lending me your energies and watching over me during my ritual stay if you will, leave if you must Hail and farewell.'

Face your altar and say:

' Horned God, thank you for your presence in my ritual and for sharing with me your blessings and strength stay if you will, go if you must Hail and Welcome.'

'Gaia, thank you for your presence in my ritual and for sharing with me your blessings and strength stay if you will, go if you must Hail and Welcome.'

Walk widdershins around your circle saying:

' The circle is open but unbroken' repeat 3 times as you walk.

After the ritual place your crystal outside to soak up the Sun's energy, or if you don't have a safe space outside then on a sunny window sill, don’t worry if it's not sunny, the Sun is still there, even if he is hiding behind the clouds.

Solstice Blessings xx

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