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Kitchen Witch

Ritual to Consecrate Magical Tools by Unity

Many witches, myself included, believe it is important to cleanse and consecrate any new magical tools before using them in ritual. Like crystals, magical tools will have been handled by many people before they reach you, and they would have picked up many different energies, some good and some just plain nasty, so cleansing is done first to clear away any negative energies.

There are various ways of doing this most you will be familiar with, particularly if you work with crystals. The simplest way is to hold your hands over the tool and visualise a purifying white light flowing either up from the earth or down from the universe through your body and out of your hands into the tool. Everyone will have their favourite way of cleansing, but I’ve included a few below:


Holding them under running water

Burying them in salt or earth

Leaving the tool outside or on a window sill in sunshine or overnight on a full moon

If you are a Reiki healer, you can use Reiki to cleanse tools.

Consecration is an act of dedicating your ritual tools to their magical or spiritual purpose; again everyone will do it differently. It can be as simple as saying a prayer over the tool and asking the God and Goddess of your choice to bless and consecrate it to be used in your rituals, a full blown ritual or anything else that has meaning for you. The choice is yours to make and no way is right or wrong. You can consecrate anything that you will use during ritua,l for example, a wand, athame, chalice, a special item of ritual jewelry, a new altar, or an item of ritual clothing. If it is a large item like an altar, take the representation of each element to the tool rather than trying to lift it. Below I have included a simple ritual that I use.

You will need:


White candle in a holder

Lighter or matches

Small bowl of spring or moon water

Small dish of salt

Your magical tool

Something to eat and drink

If you usually cast a circle, do so now in your preferred way. If you prefer not to then purify the area you will be working in by either smudging or asperging. Below is my way as an example, but you may use it if you wish.

Light the candle and incense and place the ritual tool in the centre of your altar.

Walk deosil (clockwise) around your circle 3 times saying:

‘I cast this circle thrice about, to cleanse this space and keep harm out.

Goddess bless this work I do, into my circle I invoke you.

As I will the circle cast, between the worlds I safely pass.'

Turn to the East and say:

‘Spirits of the east, element of Air

You are the sunrise and gentle breezes

you bring wisdom and knowledge

I ask you to watch over me during my ritual

Hail and Welcome!’

Turn to face the South and say:

‘Spirits of the South, element of Fire

You are the heat of mid-day and leaping flames of the bonfire

you bring passion and creativity

I ask you to watch over me during my ritual

Hail and Welcome!’

Turn to face the West and say:

‘Spirits of the West, element of Water

You are the sunset and the ebb and flow of the tides

You bring emotions and intuition

I ask you to watch over me during my ritual

Hail and Welcome!’

Turn to face the North and say:

‘Spirits of the North, element of Earth

You are midnight and rich fertile soil

You bring strength and stability

I ask you to watch over me during my ritual

Hail and Welcome!’

Face your alter and say:

‘I call to the Great Earth Mother

You are the sacred earth, the blessed waters and the ever-changing moon

Foundation of all life

Nurturing, loving and wise

I ask you to join me in my ritual

Hail and Welcome!’

‘I call to the Horned God

Lord of the Wildwood and Guardian to all its creatures

Divine Father of all creation

Fearless, passionate and wise

I ask you to join me in my ritual

Hail and Welcome!’

Place your projective hand (the one you write with) over the tool and visualise pure white energy flowing from up the earth, through your body, out of your hand and into the tool. As the energy flows into the tool, say:

‘I consecrate this (name of tool) for use in my sacred rites’

As you perform the following steps focus on the purpose of the actions you are performing.

Pass the tool through the incense smoke and say:

‘I consecrate this (name of tool) and charge it with the energy of Air’

Pass the tool through the candle flame carefully, (or near to it if it is flammable) and say:

‘I consecrate (name of tool) and charge it with the energy of Fire’

Sprinkle a few drops of water over the tool and say:

‘I consecrate this (name of tool) and charge it with the energy of Water’

Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the tools and say:

‘I consecrate this (name of tool) and charge it with the energy of Earth’

Place your projective hand (the one you write with) over the tool and visualise pure white energy flowing from up the earth, through your body, out of your hand and into the tool. As the energy flows into the tool, say:

‘With the energies of the Earth Mother and the Horned God, I bless and consecrate this (name of tool) for use in my sacred rites’

Place the tool back on your altar.

Eat and drink your food, leaving some of each as an offering.

Turn to the North and say:

‘Spirits of the North, element of Earth

I thank you for watching over me and lending your energy to my ritual

Hail and Farewell

Spirits of the West, element of Water

I thank you for watching over me and lending you energy to my ritual

Hail and Farewell

Spirits of the South, element of Fire

I thank you for watching over me and lending your energy to my ritual

Hail and Farewell

Spirits of the East, element of Air

I thank you for watching over me and lending your energy to my ritual

Hail and Farewell

Horned God

Divine Father of all creation

I thank you for joining me in my ritual

Stay if you will, go if you must

Hail and Farewell

Great Earth Mother

Foundation of all life

I thank you for joining me in my ritual

Stay if you will, go if you must

Hail and Farewell

Walk widdershins (anti-clockwise) round the circle saying:

‘This circle is open but unbroken’

So Mote it Be

Leave the tool on your altar for at least 24 hours.

Take your offerings somewhere outside.

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