A simple ritual for the mother to perform alone with her newborn.
Because among all the chaos and stress of having a baby, sometimes you just
want a small moment of peace and quiet to bond with it alone. Since babies
don’t exactly have a lot of patience, the ritual is short and concise - perhaps
best done after a feeding while the baby is sleepy.
No flames, no strong smells. Just a quiet space is needed with a bowl of
water and flowers. Perhaps a small gift, such as a rattle that has been handed
down through generations. Or a new stuffed animal.
In the center of the work space, on the floor, place a bowl of water
surrounded by flowers. Next to it, a small bowl of salt and a sunstone, that
has been charged in the noon-day sun. If you are not comfortable sitting on
the floor, then place the arrangement on a table with a chair sitting before it.
Ideally (because nothing is guaranteed with a baby), hold the baby on one
arm and walk a small circle around the central bowl, drawing a circle with
your finger. Start facing North.
Spirits of the North
Spirits of the Earth
Great Bear of the Cave
I ask you to come forth for the blessing of this Baby.
Spirits of the East
Spirits of the Air
Wise Eagle of the Sky
I ask you to come forth for the blessing of this Baby
Spirits of the South
Spirits of the Fire
Fleet Stallion of the Plain
I ask you to come forth for the blessing of this Baby
Spirits of the West
Spirits of the Water
Wise Salmon of the Pool
I ask you to come forth for the blessing of this Baby
Mother of All
Giver of Life
From who we all come
And to whom we will all return
I ask you to come forth for the blessing of this Baby
Father of All
Giver of Life Instinct
Protector of the Wild
God of Light and Dark
I ask you to come forth for the blessing of this Baby
Sit facing the bowl, with the baby in your left arm. Take several deep
breaths, then say:
From the Earth beneath my feet
Envisioning the energy from the Earth being pulled up through you into
your center.
From the Sky above my head.
Envision the energy from above flowing down through your crown into
your center, mixing with the Earth energy in you.
Into the world around me.
Envision the energies traveling from your center, through your right arm
and into your hand, which you place in the water. Feel the energy flow into
the water, blessing it.
Now dipping a finger into the water and touching each part of the baby as
indicated, say the following:
May your feet be blessed, and always bring you home
May the intuition in your belly never lead you astray
May your heart be filled with love and compassion
May lips speak words of kindness
May your nose lead you in the right direction
May your eyes see wonders that fill you with joy
May your brow shine with wisdom
Blood of my blood
Bone of my bone
I name you NAME
Guarded and guided by the magic within you
Blessed by the gods
Loved by me and mine
I wish upon you a life of joy and wisdom and health
NAME, blessings be with you.
See the light envelope the baby, creating a protective cocoon around it. See
the light sink into the skin and become absorbed by it.
Meditate for a moment if you wish - if you have a Animal Guide that
guards either you or your family ask for their blessing and lifelong protection
of the baby.
When you feel the that a secure cocoon of energy from the gods, animals,
spirits, and/or elements are strongly bounds to your baby, stand and face the
I present to you NAME
May your blessing be upon them
May you guide their feet as they walk their life’s path
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
Blessings and farewell!
Repeat the above with Gaia, then the West, South, East, North.
Now go have a glass of water and take a nap.

photo from unsplash