Book review by Heather

Having never heard of Mestra, this book intrigued me. Dianna Rhyan has provided a treasure trove of information for the reader.
The author presents us with all the tantalising shreds of evidence of Mestra’s existence from historical sources. These she unravels for us, giving more depth to each account, enabling the reader to envision Mestra in all her power.
The daughter of Erysichthon, who by destroying the sacred oak grove of Demeter, was cursed with insatiable hunger. Mestra was beloved of this goddess, and at the time when her father would have forced her to marry, discovered she had the power to transform into anything she wanted. In this way she transcended her mortal limitations, travelled through trials and difficulties, and rejected suitors so she could fulfil her destiny as she wanted, to decide eventually, after she had tested him, to accept Poseidon as her equal and husband.
A mesmerising and inspiring story of overcoming obstacles, learning about independence and taking back personal sovereignty, in the words of the author -
‘Rediscovering her, we uncover our own transformative and transforming selves.’
Dianna Rhyan, having given the reader these gems of information, suggests an enticing method of connecting with Mestra, to see how you can use her energy in your own life.
The author provides us with end notes, a very useful glossary, most exciting is that all of the evidence she has used can be found in the wonderfully extensive bibliography.
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