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Full Moon Ritual (Spiritual Growth)

Full Moon Ritual (Spiritual Growth) by Starlit

You’ll need

Your sacred space A piece of paper A pen A white candle A fire proof dish Cake! A Spiritual Growth Crystal of your choice Spiritual Growth Herbs of your choice

* Prepare your space – Gather your items together at your spiritual growth space, cleanse your space, smudge, pop on some music.

* Ground and Centre - take a deep breath and focus on full moon energies and your spiritual growth.

* Cast your circle. Wyrd Witches do it this way: “Maiden cast your circle white; weave a web of glowing light. Mother cast your circle red; weave the strands of glowing threads. Crone, cast your circle black, weave the knowledge that we lack.”

* Call the quarters. Wyrd Witches do it this way:

“I call to the East, element of Air, through breath, wind and thought I invite you to my circle. Hail and Welcome.”

“I call to the South, element of Fire, through the spark of inspiration, the crackle of a candle and the heat of the sun I invite you to my circle. Hail and Welcome.”

“I call to the West, element of Water, through the tears of healing, the bringer of life and the cleansing of our sacred spaces, I invite you into my circle. Hail and Welcome.”

“I call to the North, element of Earth, through the growth within me, the foundations beneath me and the beauty around me I invite you to my circle. Hail and Welcome.”

* Tell the universe why you’re here!

“I stand here the light of the full moon; tonight I honour my path, and make room for my ongoing spiritual growth.”

* Calling Deity - some moon deities may include: Selene, Diana, Cerridwen, Freya, Isis, and, Yemaya. You may wish to call upon one in particular or any deity you see fit. This is a generic call.

“Lady of the Moon, who goes by many names, I invite you into my circle to watch over this rite and guide me as I make room for my ongoing spiritual growth. Hail and Welcome”

* Full moon Magic!

Light your candle, gaze into the light. Let a feeling of relaxation wash over you.

Spend a few moments thinking/meditating about what might be holding you back, perhaps stopping you from growing spiritually.

You could re-do the meditation from earlier in the month to help!

Write each thing you want to release down onto a piece of paper.

Throw some of your spiritual growth herbs into the fire proof dish

Burn the pieces of paper in the candle and put them into the dish to turn to ash.

After each piece of paper burnt, say out loud one of your Spiritual Growth Affirmations you made earlier in the month.

Allow the candle to burn out and everything to cool down.

Have some cake!

* Bid farewell to Deity “Lady of the Moon, shining bright, thank you for your presence on this night. Hail and Farewell”

Bid farewell to the quarters

“Spirits of the North, thank you for your presence on this night. Hail and Farewell.”

“Spirits of the West, thank you for your presence on this night. Hail and Farewell.”

“Spirits of the South, thank you for your presence on this night. Hail and Farewell.”

“Spirits of the East, thank you for your presence on this night. Hail and Farewell.”

Close the circle

“Maiden uncast your circle white, release your web of glowing light. Mother uncast your circle red, release the strands of glowing threads. Crone, uncast your circle black, we thank you for the knowledge that we lacked. By the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. This circle is open but never broken. So mote it be!” Written by Starlit

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