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Enchanted Tools for Aging - (gracefully or not) by Heather

The menopause – pre, during and after, is part of life’s journey, but not always smooth let alone pleasant!! This goes for everyone, not so many years ago, ‘male menopause’ was laughed off as a middle life crisis type of thing, now there is research that shows hormonal changes affect us all.

If you are having any mental or physical difficulties, please see your medical practitioner!

As magical folks we have not only the medical and alternative medical practitioners to help us, but we also have our magic toolbox to dive into. Hopefully this blog will give you some resources and ideas, that you can use to navigate this passage. As everyone’s experience and symptoms will vary, this post ought to cover the most common, and give you the first step in working out what you need, the lists/thoughts here are to be expanded on by you. So, see if anything resonates, as well as using what you have available and listening to your intuition.

Crystals –

A pebble or stone – strength, resilience, grounding, healing, protection, stress relief, stability, sustenance.

Hag/holey stone – self-acceptance, healing, grounding, meditation, stress relief, protection, sleep, warding off nightmares.

Rose Quartz - known as the love stone, can help ease stress and anxiety, also said to help with self-love and self-acceptance.

Amethyst – believed to be helpful in relieving headaches, tension, fatigue, to promote restful sleep and calm the mind.

Citrine - known as the success stone, promotes motivation and vitality, may also help to ease anxiety and stress.

Rhodonite - said to be helpful in easing anxiety, anger, resentment, it is also believed to promote self-love and forgiveness.

Tigers Eye - strength, courage, and confidence, may also help to ease anxiety and stress.

Lepidolite - known for its calming properties, said to be helpful in relieving anxiety, depression, and stress, may also help promote restful sleep.

Fluorite - said to be helpful in promoting mental clarity and focus, may also help to ease anxiety and stress.

Jade – wisdom, peace, and harmony, may help to ease anxiety and stress.

Turquoise - communication, understanding, friendship, help to ease anxiety and stress.

Black Tourmaline - absorbs negative emotions, protection and grounding.

Selenite – calming, helpful in promoting peace and relaxation, may help to ease anxiety and stress.

Carnelian – fire, passion, creativity, relationships, sex, motivation, vitality, mental clarity and focus.

Pot, mug or cup of tea –

Make this a self-care ritual, not the usual (if you’re like me) rushed bag in a mug, but a mindfully made. Can be teabag or loose leaf, black, green or herbal. It is not so much the tea, although choosing one to suit your mood will be beneficial, it is the time and care you are sending on doing something for yourself.

Body oil –

To massage yourself, after your bath or shower, for keeping your skin supple and nourished.

3 tablespoons/45ml oil of your choice

To this, if you have them, you can add up to 20 drops of essential oil; single or two/three in a combination which it pleasing to you.

The following is a list of those known to helpful for this period of our lives –

bergamot, chamomile, lavender, rose, vetiver, ylang ylang, sweet orange, myrrh, frankincense, sandalwood, lemongrass, jasmine, pine, lemon balm, rosemary, mint, fennel, ginger, marjoram, cardamom.

Bath salts –

A jar

Mix of sea and Epsom salts

Dried herbs and or essential oils – see list above for ideas.

Bath infusion –

500ml/17floz boiled water

2 tablespoons dried herbs/flowers

Optional – 10 drops essential oil and 1 tablespoon sea/Epsom salt

Infuse the herbs/flowers in the boiled water for 10 minutes, strain and add the essential oil/s/salt if using them. Run yourself a warm bath and add your infusion - light candles if you want to, have soothing music to listen to.

These are just a few ideas to set your creativity in motion, what else could you do or create to help ease your symptoms?

Have fun and let us know what you think of.

Sources and further reading –

Curative Magic: A Witch’s Guide to Self-Discovery, Care & Healing by Rachel Patterson

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