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Dark Moon Ritual for Dream Work

Taken from Rachel Patterson's book 'Moon Magic' published by Moon Books

Join Heather in this recorded ritual to work with in your own time on any Dark Moon. The link to the YouTube video can be found here

You will need:

A green candle

A cauldron or flame proof dish

Paper and Pen

Cast the circle

Walking deosil (clockwise) around the circle.

Maiden cast this circle white

Free from shadow, pure and light

Mother cast this circle red

Cast any negativity from our head

Crone cast this circle black

Grant us the knowledge that we lack

This circle is now cast unbroken

Call the quarters

I call to the East and the Element of Air, you who are mist and cloud, you who are fresh breeze and wild hurricane, Spirit of the Hawk, Spirit of the Sylph, hear me, bring into rites purification and clarity, sweep through and remove stagnation. Blessings and Welcome!

I call to the South and the Element of Fire, you who are the crackle of bonfires, you who are the golden Sun and glowing lava, Spirit of the Phoenix, Spirit of the Flame Dancers, hear me, bring into these rites your spirit of creativity and passion. Blessings and Welcome

I call to the West and the Element of Water, you who are the Undines of the rivers, and the Sirens of the crashing ocean waves, you who are the Naiads of the Grottos, come to me, Spirit of the Shark, hear me, bring to these rites your deepest intuition and truest emotions, teach me to be flexible, to adapt and flow, like your waters. Blessings and Welcome

I call to the North and the Element of Earth, you who are bone and crystal, you who are tree and root and branch, Spirit of the Wolf, Spirit of the Gnome, I call upon you. Bring to these rites your spirit of prosperity, of stability and manifestation. Blessings and Welcome.


I call upon Arianrhod, Dark Moon Goddess and Lady of the Silver wheel, join this rite today and bring with you powers of renewal and rebirth. Blessings and Welcome!

Spell work

Use the power of the Dark Moon to look within, take time to contemplate. you removed all those unwanted energies at the Waning Moon, now it is time to go inwards and see what your real desires are.

Light your green candle.

Take your paper and write your dreams and desires on them, as many as you wish with one goal per piece of paper. Stack them on top of each other and place them in front of you.

If you are using a wand or an atheme (ceremonial knife), tap each piece of paper, one at a time. Visualise powerful white light coming from the end and pulsing through the paper (if you aren't using any tools, just use your finger tip). Then light each paper from the green candle and drop it into the cauldron or dish. As you do so each tine, send a blessings to the Divine.

When you are finished, snuff the candle out. After the ritual, take the ashes from the paper and either cast them into flowing water or bury them in the earth.

You might also like to sit for a while and meditate. Ask Arianrhod to show you at least some of your past lives...


Eat and drink something to celebrate your ritual and to

help you ground. Sprinkle some of the drink and food onto the

earth after the ritual as an offering to deity.


Arianrhod, Dark Moon Goddess and Lady of the Silver Wheel, I thank you for your presence in this rite, may your powers of renewal stay with me. Blessings and Farewell!

Release the quarters

Guardians of the Element of Earth, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell

Guardians of the Element of Water, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell

Guardians of the Element of Fire, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell

Guardians of the Element of Air, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell!

Close the circle

Walking widdershins (anti clockwise) around the circle

This circle is open but never broken!

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