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Daffodil by Sue Perryman

Kitchen Witch

In Britain March is well known as a month of blustery stormy weather. The Anglo-Saxons called it Hyld monath which means Stormy month or Hraed monath which means Rugged month.

Although a few brave wild flowers and plants do appear in February, March is the month when they really start to flourish and bring with them the promise of Summer.

One of the main flowers associated with March is the Narcissus or Daffodil, named after the beautiful youth in Greek mythology Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool, staring at it until he died. This bright cheerful flower brings a splash of colour to our gardens and parks, reminding us that early Spring has arrived. The sight of them always cheers me up and chases away the winter blues.

Daffodil - Narcissus spp

Ruling Planet - Venus Element - Water Gender - Feminine Magical Properties - Luck, fertility, protection, love, exorcism, blessings, happiness.

Daffodils are a wonderful sign that Spring has arrived. The bulbs can be planted in Autumn in borders and containers and will bloom in late Winter/early Spring

As pretty as they are, daffodils are highly toxic, so can't be used internally . They can however still be used magically.

Having daffodils in your garden and home will keep negative energy away and bring protection, happiness, love and luck to you and your family.

Add some dried petals to a small sachet or poppet to carry with you and attract these energies where ever you are.

Place a pot or vase of this flower on your altar when performing love spells.

Wear a daffodil pinned near your heart to to attract good luck.

Keeping a pot of them in your bedroom will draw fertility your way if you are trying to conceive a baby.

Add the dried petals to incense for the Spring equinox/ Ostara and keep a pot or vase of them on your altar and around your home as part of your Ostara celebrations.


A Kitchen Witch world of magical plants and herbs - Rachel Patterson Cunninghams Encyclopedia of magical herbs - Scott Cunningham Herbcraft - Anna Franklin and Susan Lavender

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