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Bindweed by Vanessa Armstrong

I was going to study Moonflower as a topic for my blog as I wondered if it was a relative of bindweed – what is classed as a nuisance plant in most gardens. It turns out it is related, but as it sometimes happens with these things, Moonflower wasn’t resonating with me at all and I kind of felt a bit sorry for this Bindweed plant – pretty flowers, not so nice name.

I can understand why it is detested by gardeners so much – it strangles pretty much any plants it comes across in order to reach its destination and even then, it keeps on growing.

Strangely enough, I find it quite a beautiful plant and if you’re in the countryside you are bound to see it in the hedgerows climbing its way over everything to be seen, so I decided to look into this plant to see what magical properties it holds.

Hedge Bindweed or Calystegia Sepium is a very invasive plant which grows throughout Europe, Asia and North and South America. It is an herbaceous perennial and grows very fast – its shoots or vines twisting in a counter-clockwise direction around anything to a height of around 2-4 metres. It has pale green leaves and large beautiful white trumpet-shaped flowers.

There are other varieties of bindweed that are native to these countries – you may have spotted a similar plant with smaller pink trumpet flowers which grows in a similar fashion.

Hedge Bindweed also has a variety of nicknames – they include: Old Man’s Nightcap, Wild Morning Glory, Brides Gown, White Witches Hat and Wedlock – which refers to the binding nature of the vine.

Its vines aren’t the only thing about this plant that grow fast! Underground, the root system known as rhizome, run fast under the soil and produces lots of new shoots which poke up from the surface and Hey Presto! – Another new plant!

This root system together with the fact that the seeds can survive up to 30 years does make it a very troublesome species.

Don’t for one minute assume that you can contain it in a pot either. Once the seed pods emerge after flowering, these disperse far and wide -either by the winds or through bird droppings – and before you know it, it’ll be all over your garden.

There doesn’t appear to be any medicinal properties for bindweed – the ones that do exist point to safety concerns with its use.

Magically, Bindweed can be worked with for a good number of things…

Bindweed vines grow in hedges and in wild places – separating civilisation from the woods of the wild. It is said to be a tool for hedge riders and spirit workers. Those that travel to the Otherworld can use the strong long vines of the bindweed to return safely to our realm.

The vines can also be used in binding spells – either physically wrapped around, for example, a poppet or used to tie around a piece of folded paper. Visualise the vines too as you cast your spell – working with the magic of the vines twisting and tangling – not being able to be freed.

The roots are an excellent substitute for High John the Conqueror Root. Don’t worry about digging up the root for your workings – the plant is more than capable of making new roots.

It has the same properties of good luck, success, confidence and strength.

It can be used in handfasting rituals as ties to bind the couple together. The vines can also be used in knot magic.

Bindweed is useful in protection spells and if you are unfortunate – or fortunate enough – (whatever way you wish to look at it) – to have some in your garden, its presence conjures up protective properties for your home and boundaries.

The delicate flowers can be dried and used in spell work or carried in a charm bag to dispel negativity.

Correspondences of Bindweed:

Planet – Saturn

Element – Water.

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