I have been, this year, choosing and trying recipes from Rachel’s ‘Practically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Cooking’ book. All the ones that I have made so far have been delicious!
On a recent Witchy retreat and pilgrimage to Bath, the subject came up of homemade granola. I’ve always avoided the shop bought ones as they are loaded with sugar. Rachel said that she has a tried and tested favourite recipe on her own blog, so I looked it up and decided to give it a go.
It ties in perfectly with this month – containing all those ingredients that we have in our store cupboards; oats, nuts, seeds, spices – that are all about the last harvest and storing for the months ahead.
The link to the recipe can be found here
I had some of the US measuring cups so I used those. I added a few more nuts as love anything nutty and a sprinkling of sultanas. Its smelt absolutely delicious as it was baking in the oven – my kitchen smelled like Starchild in Glastonbury. For those not in the know, it’s a wonderful shop that sells an apothecary of magical herbs, teas, oils, gums and resins, candles, incense, flower water etc. It has an amazing aroma when you walk through the door and my granola reminded me of that!
I’m very much looking forward to having some with some Greek yoghurt and berries for my breakfast in the morning...
Nb I have now eaten some for my last three breakfasts and it is every bit as good as it smells!
There are a couple of blogs that you may be interested in that tie in with this blog -
Rachel’s blog and chat on our Witchy retreat here
Magical Properties of seeds here

Lovely recipe and blog. I'm new so can anyone tell me if there is a recipe blog? Being whole food plant based I'd love to share ideas and recipes and experience other kitchen cooking together