And... the musing are back! For those that follow our Kitchen Witch Blog, in 2020 I decided to work with the energies of each month and blog about it with photos and a short video of how the landscape and hedgerows around where I live changed each month.
I really enjoyed doing it and the video bit took me out of my comfort zone. Although we had - and still have - Covid to deal with - it did allow me to get out in nature where I live, not seeing anyone else and to take some positive out of the bizarre and awful situation we were in and recognize that Mother Nature still went about her work despite what what going on in our lives.
I've decided again to blog about each month where I live but this time I shall include a short video on how to make something from whatever nature gives us each month, depending what is growing or in season.
1st January – Happy New Year everyone! Let’s keep the positive energies flowing for a better year. To be honest, 2021 was considerably better than 2020 although caution was adhered to.
I took a New Year Day walk along a canal not far from where I live. It was a mild day although cloudy but there were none of the showers that were forecast. The canal waters were clear and still. There were lots of coots and ducks along the bank and a little muddy underfoot from the recent rains that we have had.
It was quite refreshing to be out in nature again and the canal is somewhere that I probably don’t go to enough.
Although the trees and shrubs in the hedgerows are bare, there is a stirring and Mother Nature is starting to shows signs of new life. Hyacinth and daffodil shoots are poking their leaves through the cold damp ground.
5th January – Today Mother Nature has dusted my part of the UK with frost – beautiful glittery frost! It is the first this winter, I believe. But with the frost comes blue skies and sunshine – yay! It is most welcome after the grey days of late.
An early walk around my local shore and the rune Isa comes to mind. It means ‘Ice’ and corresponds with ‘stillness’. There is not a breath of wind this morning so this rune seemed perfect for today.
The start of January is usually bleak and we are in the middle of winter here in the UK. A time of resting, reflection. A time of stillness before the first stirrings of spring, new life and new beginnings.

8th January – Today brings rain again – decayed and soggy leaves line the footpaths like brown confetti. The trees are bare – the odd leaf hanging precariously off spindly branches. The skies are grey, it is chilly and the sun won't be making an appearance today I feel. Today is definitely a day for staying indoors in the warm and dry.

17th January – Monday morning and it is cold but dry. Today is dubbed ‘Blue Monday’ - the 3rd Monday of January and said to be the most depressing day of the year.
True, January can be dull and gloomy but today the sun is shining in a beautiful blue sky and the promise of brighter and warmer days are on the horizon!
The sun is streaming through my window as I write this and it is quite warm sitting here, very pleasant!
My own thoughts turn to the spring, getting in the garden and maybe a spot of my favourite course fishing near a wonderful lake in woodland.
30th January – What a stunning day!! A chill in the air and an early morning frost gave way to more blue skies, sunshine – which, dare I say, had just a hint of warmth to it – and not a breath of wind. Perfect!
Foraged today for nettles for my video for this month. I took a walk along a barely used footpath that is near me. Spotted Arum lillies growing, new young nettles, the start of wonderful cleavers and snowdrop leaves are also showing.
Spring will be upon us very soon!

Lovely Ness, thank you! I do miss the English countryside and the feel of the seasons as they change ... Here in Florida, a hard frost is rare, and the only white powdery stuff on the ground is either pollen or sand! Having said that, it is still exciting to watch new growth, as it appears, throughout our year ... 💜