Delphinium / Larkspur (Delphinium spp)
Delphiniums are perennial flowering plants often referred to as larkspur. Plants within the genus range from alpine plants to shrubs. Flowers bloom from late spring to late summer and come in a range of colours: white, pink, blue, purple, yellow and red. Caution: don’t eat it, the plant is poisonous. Delphinium is an excellent protective herb said to be good for keeping warriors safe and also protects against snakes, scorpions and ghosts, possibly not all at once. It is also a lovely flower to use in midsummer celebrations and will attract the Fae. One myth tells of the delphinium flowers being created by drops of dragon blood, so this would work well in dragon magic too.
Delphinium Magical Properties: Protection, midsummer, faeries, dragons.
Ruling Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Taken from 'A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Herbs & Plants' by Rachel Patterson

Image by Yoksel Zok on Unsplash