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First Quarter Moon Ritual for Confidence

Kitchen Witch

This ritual script is from 'Beneath the Moon: Witchcraft and Moon Magic for a Deeper Practice' by Rachel Patterson, due for publication January 2022.

"We all need a bit of a confidence boost on occasion - this ritual will help give your self confidence and self-esteem a big ole kick in the butt" - Rachel Patterson

You will need:

Representations for the four quarters, if using

Central candle for deity, if using

Matches or lighter

Safe holders for the candles, if using

Something to eat and drink

For the spell:

A large mirror

A crystal or pebble, one that represents confidence to you (I suggest

moonstone, labradorite, jasper, bloodstone, or moss agate)

A candle, colour of your choosing, one that best represents

confidence to you

Cast the circle

Walking deosil (clockwise) around the circle

With the power of the Moon

I cast this circle to attune

Magic creating a boundary to last

This Moon circle is now cast

Call the quarters

Facing North

I call upon the element of earth

May you bring your energy of grounding and stability to this rite

Earth, I welcome you

Facing East

I call upon the element of air

May you bring your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite

Air, I welcome you

Facing South

I call upon the element of fire,

May you bring your energy of passion and power to this rite

Fire, I welcome you

Facing West

I call upon the element of water,

May you bring your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite

Water, I welcome you


Facing centre

I call upon the kind and loving goddess Asherah

And ask that you bring the energy of self–confidence, self–esteem and strength to this rite.

Asherah, I honour your presence

Spell work:

Place the mirror in front of you. Light your candle and place it in front of the mirror. Sit or stand behind the candle so that you can see yourself, at least your face but preferably your whole body. Hold the pebble, crystal or piece of jewellery in your hands. Look in the mirror, take in the reflection of yourself, see the candle flame and feel the energy from the item you are holding in your hands.


Magic of the first quarter Moon

Boost my self–confidence and do it soon

Beauty, wisdom and self–esteem come my way

I gain more confidence each and every day

Make it so

Blow a kiss into your hands, aimed at the pebble or crystal. Snuff out the candle and carry the pebble or crystal with you. Hold the item each time you feel the need for some confidence.


Eat and drink something to celebrate your ritual and to help you ground. Sprinkle some of the drink and food onto the earth after the ritual as an offering to deity.


I thank the kind and loving goddess Asherah

For bringing the energy of self–confidence, self–esteem and strength to this rite. Asherah, I honour you and ask that your energy continue with me as long as is needed. With blessings and thanks, I bid you farewell

Release the quarters

Facing West

I thank the element of water, For bringing your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite Water, I bid you farewell

Facing South

I thank the element of fire, For bringing your energy of passion and power to this rite Fire, I bid you farewell

Facing East

I thank the element of air For bringing your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite Air, I bid you farewell

Facing North

I thank the element of earth For bringing your energy of grounding and stability to this rite Earth, I bid you farewell

Close the circle

Walking widdershins (anti clockwise) around the circle

I thank the power of the Moon

I uncast this circle but stay in tune

Magic unties the boundary to last

This Moon circle is now uncast

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