Taken from Rachel Patterson's forthcoming book 'Beneath the Moon - Witchcraft and Moon Magic for a Deeper Practice' published by Moon Books
You will need:
Representations for the four quarters, if using
Central candle for deity, if using
Matches or lighter
Safe holders for the candles, if using
Something to eat and drink
For the spell:
Image or photograph of a frog (you can visualise this, but it helps
to have a focal point)
A white or light coloured candle
A black or dark coloured candle
Ground cinnamon
Cast the circle
Walking deosil (clockwise) around the circle.
With the power of the Moon
I cast this circle to attune
Magic creating a boundary to last
This Moon circle is now cast
Call the quarters
Facing North
I call upon the element of earth
May you bring your energy of grounding and stability to this rite
Earth, I welcome you
Facing East
I call upon the element of air
May you bring your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite
Air, I welcome you
Facing South
I call upon the element of fire,
May you bring your energy of passion and power to this rite
Fire, I welcome you
Facing West
I call upon the element of water,
May you bring your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite
Water, I welcome you
Facing centre
I call upon the Queen of Magic, the goddess Isis
And ask that you bring the energy of change, transition and
transformation to this rite.
Isis, I honour your presence
Spell work:
Set your image of the frog in front of you where you
can see it properly. Pop the candles in front of the image, the
black on the left and the white to your right. Get the image of the
frog in your mind. Now light the black candle and say:
Magic of frog from the fairy tale
Change is a journey that will not fail
Transformation with a kiss
Work this magic, it will not miss
Sprinkle some cinnamon on the candle (carefully). Now snuff
out the black candle.
Light the white candle. Repeat the chant, then sprinkle the
white candle with cinnamon.
Sit quietly focusing on the image of the frog and visualise the
transformation that you want to occur.
When you are ready snuff out the candle.
Dispose of the black candle. You can leave the white candle
and the image of the frog on your altar. If you need a reminder
or a boost to your journey relight the white candle.
Eat and drink something to celebrate your ritual and to
help you ground. Sprinkle some of the drink and food onto the
earth after the ritual as an offering to deity.
I thank the Queen of Magic, the goddess Isis
For bringing the energy of change, transition and transformation
to this rite.
Isis, I honour you and ask that your energy continue with me as
long as is needed.
With blessings and thanks, I bid you farewell
Release the quarters
Facing West
I thank the element of water,
For bringing your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite
Water, I bid you farewell
Facing South
I thank the element of fire,
For bringing your energy of passion and power to this rite
Fire, I bid you farewell
Facing East
I thank the element of air
For bringing your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite
Air, I bid you farewell
Facing North
I thank the element of earth
For bringing your energy of grounding and stability to this rite
Earth, I bid you farewell
Close the circle
Walking widdershins (anti clockwise) around the circle
I thank the power of the Moon
I uncast this circle but stay in tune
Magic unties the boundary to last
This Moon circle is now uncast
The YouTube link to the above ritual hosted by Heather can be found here
Photo by Fraizer Dunleavy on Unsplash