Decorate your altar with symbols of the season and photos of departed loved ones that you wish to honour (pets as well as people and if you haven't got a photo of someone then write their name on a piece of paper).
You will need:
1 Large central candle in a holder
Several small/tealight candles (you will need one for each of your departed loved ones that you wish to honour)
Some form of divination: tarot, oracle cards, runes, scrying mirror/bowl, pendulum if you wish but this is not necessary.
Something to eat and drink
Cast the circle in your preferred way. This is the method I usually use but feel free to use your own words. If you don't normally cast a circle, purify the area first by either smudging or asperging.
'I cast this circle thrice about
to cleanse this space and keep harm out
Goddess bless this work I do
Into my circle I invoke you
As I will the circle cast
between the worlds I safely pass'
Guardian of the North, element of earth, in your fertile soil grow pumpkins, squash nuts and berries to adorn our altars and bring nourishment to all life during this season. At this dark time of year, I thank you for your gifts and ask you to join me and watch over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Welcome.
Guardian of the East, element of air, swooping bats, ravens black and wailing banshees, Spirits that return to us this Samhain eve. At this dark time of year, I thank you for your gifts and ask you to join me and watch over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Welcome.
Guardian of the South, element of fire, leaping flames around the cauldron, crackling bonfires and the warming glow of our candles. At this dark time of year, I thank you for your gifts and ask you to join me and watch over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Welcome.
Guardian of the West. element of water, bubbling cauldrons, swirling mist and scrying for insight. At this dark time of year, I thank you for your gifts and ask you to join me and watch over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Welcome.
Cerridwen, dark goddess and keeper of the cauldron of inspiration, shape-shifting enchantress of rebirth, transformation and arcane knowledge Mother and Crone, I call on you at this dark time of year and invite you to join me and watch over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Welcome.
Horned God of the Underworld and the wild hunt, Guardian of animals and the wild forests, dark lord of fertility and ruler of life and death. Father and protector, I call on you at this dark time of year and invite you to join me and watch over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Welcome.
Place your large candle in the centre of your altar and surround it with the smaller candles. Switch off any lights and light the main candle, sit quietly gazing at it and thinking about your departed loved ones. Light a small candle for each person/pet while visualising them. When you are ready say ' I thank and honour those who have gone before me and send you all my love and blessings until we meet again'. Take a few minutes to think about each person or pet who has passed to the Summerlands and remember something about them that makes you smile.
If you wish to do any divination, it can be done now. Make a note of any results.
Have something to eat and drink, saving a portion of each for an offering
Guardian of the West. element of water, I thank you for joining me and watching over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Farewell
Guardian of the South, element of fire, I thank you for joining me and watching over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Guardian of the East, element of air, I thank you for joining me and watching over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Guardian of the North, element of earth, I thank you for joining me and watching over me during my Samhain ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Horned God, lord of the Underworld and the wild hunt, father and protector, I thank you for joining me and sharing your gifts with me during my Samhain ritual. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and Farewell
Cerridwen, dark goddess and keeper of the cauldron of inspiration, mother and crone, I thank you for joining me and sharing your gifts with me during my Samhain ritual. Stay if you will, go if you must. Hail and Farewell.
The circle is open but unbroken!
After the ritual don’t forget to take your offerings outside or leave them on your altar if you prefer.
Image by freestocks. org/unsplash