This is a New Moon ritual to support your commitment to a health and wellness plan. I recommend doing this ritual on the night of the New Moon at dusk which will support new beginnings, releasing bad habits, inner work, planning, and inspiration.
You will need:
A green candle (or any colour which represents healing, rejuvenation, and commitment to you).
A cauldron or flame proof dish
Paper and pen (green ink is a nice addition, but not necessary)
Essential oil blend to dress candle and to burn in oil burner
I made the following blend from what I had available, but please use whichever oils have healing and supporting energies to you, if any, in whichever quantity feels right:
Bergamot for clarity
Carnation for courage and also to support healing
Cinnamon for support with changes, focus, and healing
Fennel for confidence
Lavender for strength and happiness
Lily of the Valley to help with cleansing and happiness
Marjoram to support happiness and healing
Patchouli to help with grounding, to make my goals seem less lofty and more attainable
Violet for commitment to the plan, happiness, and healing
Reiki music using the 528 Hz frequency (many options available on YouTube, I like Jason Stephenson’s work).
Casting the Circle:
While standing or sitting in your ritual space, face North and extend your arm and point your index finger, moving slowly around you in a clockwise circle. Visualize a point of bright yellowy light following your finger, drawing a glowing circle around the perimeter of your ritual space.
Once you return to North and the circle is closed, there will be a glowing horizon surrounding you. Visualize energy moving up from this equator to meet in a dome above your head and another wave of golden energy moving down to connect in a dome below your feet, encapsulating you in a bubble of light. As these domes of light extend, chant the following:
I cast this circle full of light to guard myself from darkest night,
To cleanse this space and be protected, to commune with all and feel connected.
Calling the Quarters:
I call to the North, to the element of Earth and the spirit of the Bear: May I draw upon your healing and grounding energies tonight to provide me with stability and wellness. May your strength support me in my efforts to heal my mind, body, and spirit. Earth, I welcome you.
I call to the East, to the element of Air and the spirit of the Crow: May I draw upon your inspiring energies tonight to provide me with direction and focus. May your intellect support me in my efforts to heal my mind, body, and spirit. Air, I welcome you.
I call to the South, to the element of Fire and the spirit of the Lion: May I draw upon your powerful energies tonight to provide me with impetus and momentum. May your confidence support me in my efforts to heal my mind, body, and spirit. Fire, I welcome you.
I call to the West, to the element of Water and the spirit of the Whale: May I draw upon your calming energies tonight to provide me with emotional support and self-kindness. May your compassion support me in my efforts to heal my mind, body, and spirit. Water, I welcome you.
Invoking Deity:
I call upon Mother Moon, Queen of Sorcery, the great Isis for your support in my ritual tonight. I seek your aid to help me heal physically and mentally, to revitalize my mind, body, and spirit, to allow my inner beauty to shine and be allowed to manifest. Please join me to support my intent, if it pleases you. Isis, I welcome you.
Spell Working:
If using, dress your candle with your essential oil(s) from wick to base, drawing healing energy and support towards you.
Light your candle.
Think about the blockages or barriers you feel have prevented you from starting or restarting your intended health and wellness plan. Write these down on paper, either on individual pieces or as a list on a single piece. Light them with the candle, burning it in the cauldron or dish, to remove them from your path.
Visualize the blockages disappearing and in their place invite in the positive feelings of being healthier and happier. Visualize the activities you will be able to do once you are healthier and feel how happy and fulfilling that is.
When you are finished, either snuff the candle out or continue listening to the healing music (if using) while the candle burns out, meditating on the happy feelings you have summoned, feeling the warm glow.
Ground with a snack or drink which supports your new intentions.
Thanking Deity:
Thank you, Isis, Mother Moon, for your consideration of my intent and for your presence with me here tonight. I honour the gifts you have shared with me and will use them with a grateful heart for the greatest good.
Releasing the Quarters:
Thank you, Water and Whale: Your emotional support and calming energies have helped guide me on my journey tonight. I bid you both farewell.
Thank you, Fire and Lion: Your passionate strength has helped guide me on my journey tonight. I bid you both farewell.
Thank you, Air and Crow: Your inspirational focus has helped guide me on my journey tonight. I bid you both farewell.
Thank you, Earth and Bear: Your grounding stability has helped guide me on my journey tonight. I bid you both farewell.
Closing the Circle:
Visualize the two halves of the glowing dome retracting back into the glowing equator. Face North and point, moving your arm in a counter-clockwise circle around you, visualizing the glowing line of energy dissipating behind the path of your finger like scattering fireflies or campfire embers in the wind. Once the light has fully dissipated, chant the following:
The spell was cast; the chants were spoken.
This circle is opened but stays unbroken. Blessed be.

Photo from Unsplash