You will need:
Candle – any colour that corresponds to the Spring Equinox for you
Lighter or matches
One plain odd sock
A jam jar, tall glass or container that the sock will fit into for filling
Uncooked rice – enough to fill the sock 2/3rds of the way
Elastic bands or string/twine/wool
Ribbon – optional
Black marker pen/sharpie etc
Something to eat and drink
Circle Casting:
We have gathered from far and wide
Our hearts and minds connected
By the power of the energies that reside
This circle is now protected!
Quarter Calls:
Element of Air
You are intellect, inspiration and imagination
Ideas, possibilities and wishes
We ask you to join our ritual and lend us your energies!
We welcome you!
Element of Fire
You are change, motivation, creativity and willpower
Authority and leadership
We ask you to join our ritual and lend us your energies!
We welcome you!
Element of Water
You are cleansing, healing, intuition and compassion
Emotion and subconscious
We ask you to join our ritual and lend us your energies!
We welcome you!
Element of Earth
You are stability, wisdom and knowledge
Strength, prosperity and growth
We ask you to join our ritual and lend us your energies!
We welcome you!
Ancient Goddess Coventina
We ask you for your presence at our ritual and to lend us your energies,
To promote renewal, fertility and manifestation
We welcome you!
Spring Equinox falls this year on Sunday March 20th at 3.33 GMT.
The length of the day and night are almost equal.
It is the first day of Spring with the promise of longer days ahead, filled with sunshine, warmth and light evenings.
A time to focus on growth, abundance, fertility and renewal. Planting seeds for the year ahead, both physically and spiritually. Nature’s cycle of growth is in full flow now with trees, shrubs and flowers in bud, the sun is a little warmer and the days are noticeably longer.
We will now make a hare/rabbit to place on your altar for the Spring Equinox
Light your candle.
Take your sock and place it inside the jar with the ‘toe’ bit at the bottom. Turn the end of the sock over the jar to create a space in which to add the rice. Fill the sock with rice about 2/3rds full. Take the end of the sock off of the jar and holding it carefully, remove the rice filled sock from the jar or glass. Take an elastic band, and wrap it around the top of the sock where the rice ends. The sock left at the top will be made into ‘ears’. Take another band and place it part of the way down to form the head. You can then either put another at the bottom for the tail or add some cotton wool later on.
Carefully snip the top of the sock vertically – but not all the way down to the first elastic. You may want to snip off the band of the sock if that makes it easier. You can then carefully shape the ears. You might want to keep them long for a hare or slightly shorter for a rabbit.
Taking your marker pen, make the eyes and a cross for the nose. You can add a pretty ribbon to go around the neck and add other embellishments as you like.
Deity Thank You
Ancient Goddess Coventina
Thank you for your presence at our ritual today and for lending us your energies so that we may focus on our renewal, growth and manifestations.
We bid you Farewell!
Quarter Thank You’s
Element of Earth
You have shown us stability, wisdom and your knowledge
Thank you for lending us your energies here today!
Element of Water
You have shown us compassion, intuition and how we may heal
Thank you for lending us your energies here today!
Element of Fire
You have given us the power to be creative, and to be motivated.
Thank you for lending us your energies here today!
Element of Air
You have brought us inspiration and imagination.
Thank you for lending us your energies here today!
Circle Closing
We have gathered from far and wide
Our hearts and minds connected
By the power of the energies that reside
This circle is uncast but always protected!
Blessings to you all!
Allow the candle to burn down if you can do so safely and you can place your hare//rabbit on your altar.