The altar is set up, the food is laid and candles all alight. Incense is lit and there is music quietly playing in the background. My circle is my sacred room, each compass point marked by a talisman.
Cleansing of the space comes first: Sage leaves, with a little lavender & parsley mixed in. The calming along with gratitude. As I waft the smoke into each nook & cranny, the words flow ‘please cleanse this space ready for my ritual. Release all negative from the room. Leave only the good. I thank thee’
Casting the circle: Using my wand, I walk clockwise around the room. Imagining a bright white light drawing up as a protective wall, I speak ‘I cast this circle to protect me during this ritual, although these walls follow me throughout my life, I ask that they are built up more this moment to ensure my safety whilst passing between worlds, do not allow any being to enter who does not wish me well’
Calling the quarters/ raising energy:
Facing North, imagining the feel of earth between my fingers and under my feet: Spirits of the North, Element of Earth, I call upon your power of strength & stability to aid with this ritual, please lend me your energy and protection. Hail & welcome.
Facing East, imagining the feel of the air as it passes through my hair and around my face & body: Spirits of the East, Element of Air, I call upon your power of wisdom & knowledge to aid with this ritual, please lend me your energy and protection. Hail & welcome.
Facing South, imaging the feeling of heat working it’s way through my body from feet to head: Spirits of the South, Element of Fire, I call upon your power of passion & creativity to aid with this ritual, please lend your energy and protection. Hail & welcome.
Facing West, imagining the feeling of the liquid working its way down my arms and from my fingertips: Spirits of the West, Element of Water, I call upon your power of emotions & intuition to aid with this ritual, please lend me your energy & protection. Hail & welcome.
Standing in the center of the room & facing skyward: With these elements together, I cast this circle of protection- above, below, within.
Calling Deity:
Facing my altar:
God & Goddess, Spirits of Natural & Elements around me, I invite you into my circle to watch over this ritual and guide me, sharing your powers with me as I make this offering of gratitude. Hail & welcome.
Sitting in front of my altar, take a moment to reflect on what I am grateful for. I am so very blessed in this life and it’s only right to give thanks for this. Whilst thinking I anoint my green & gold candles and then light them and place on my altar. Beginning at the left I work my way across the items on my altar saying what I am grateful for and why.
I am grateful for my children because they give me so much joy and laughter
I am grateful for my husband because he is supportive and makes me feel grounded and happy
I am grateful for my health because even though it’s not perfect, it means I am able to achieve so much
I am grateful for my house because it provides me with a safe & protected home
I am grateful for the Earth & Nature because it gives sustenance and beauty
I am grateful for my job and wages because it means I can live comfortably
I am grateful for the opportunity to travel to learn about different cultures
I am grateful for the safety of the country I live in
I am grateful for my friends because they are my support when I need them
I am grateful that I am able to follow my path & beliefs without persecution
Thank you universe for it all.
Sitting quietly focusing on the candle flame and contemplating. Thinking about how gratitude is a gift that keeps on giving. Like with all things - you get back what you give out. Always remember how fortunate you really are.
Time to feast:
Whilst holding my hands above the offerings I speak: I call upon all spirits, Goddesses and Gods present to share with me this fine drink & cake. We bless these items and again give thanks for them.
Eat and drink but leaving some on the plate and cup for my guests - These will later be given back to land once they have accepted this gift.
Once finished it is time to close.
Thanking the Deity:
Facing my altar:
God & Goddess, Sprits of Natural & Elements around me, I thank you for your presence here with me for this ritual. You are free to go but are welcome to stay. Hail & Farewell.
Thanking the quarters:
Spirits of the North, Elements of Earth, Thank you for your presence here with me for this ritual. You are free to go but are welcome to stay. Hail & Farewell.
Spirits of the East, Elements of Air, Thank you for your presence here with me for this ritual. You are free to go but are welcome to stay. Hail & Farewell.
Spirits of the South, Elements of Fire, Thank you for your presence here with me for this ritual. You are free to go but are welcome to stay. Hail & Farewell.
Spirits of the West, Elements of Water, Thank you for your presence here with me for this ritual. You are free to go but are welcome to stay. Hail & Farewell.
Closing the circle:
Again wand in hand and walking anticlockwise around my circle ‘My circle walls can now diminish- thank you for keeping me safe. The circle is open, but never broken’. So mote it be.
For all the people in my life of whom I included in my gratitude ritual, I make a call, I send a text, I give a gift. They are told how much I appreciate them being in my life.