September is nearly here – it may be mid-August at the moment but we definitely are not having the balmy summer that we usually do at this time of the year. It isn't cold – in fact, I’m quite enjoying the 20C temperatures. But I’ve noticed that there is a bit of an energy shift – I do tend to pick up on it – the mornings are a bit on the cool side, with lots of dew on the grass. The evenings also have a bit of a chill to them, it gets dark earlier and I have a feeling, that although we might still get some warmer days, that autumn is not far away – yahoo! Yep, I’m a cozy jumper, jeans, boots and scarf kinda girl!
I noticed on my walk around the shore and footpaths near to where I live, that berries seem to be quite prominent – haw berries (still green but fat and ready for ripening), rosehips, blackberries- some are black and shiny, elderberries – just turning now (elderberry rob will be on the list to make for winter), crabapples ripe and starting to fall, and sloes just making an appearance (sloe gin and port – for medicinal purposes only, you understand 😉)
While I wait for everything to ripen, I’m taking some time to make a note of what I’d like to make for the winter months ahead. With those notes, I’m also thinking about what things we could do in those shorter, colder days that requires us to be indoors if it’s horrible out. So, at the moment, instead of buzzing around like a bee, I’m sitting, thinking – notebook and pen in hand – and taking some time to rest, which is also the theme for this month's blogs...
Crystal Grid and Rune for September
White Howlite – restful and calming
Spiderweb Jasper – healing
Rhodonite – emotional balance
Amber – health and wellbeing
Blue banded agate – calming
Rune for September
Wynja – Primarily the rune of joy! Things are going forward on the right path and the road ahead is good. We are celebrating what we have achieved so far, patting ourselves on the back for our hard work. This is now about peace and contentment. Rest a while before deciding on what you want to do next.